Ray, I never supported Obama. But I never supported Mccain either.

I'm back
Supported is not a word I used.
Ray, I never loved Obama. But I never loved Mccain either.
Hi Pantoja:
Recently joined this community and I am looking for people interested on spear fishing/diving in Miami.
I own an outboard boat and would love to learn about new places to spearfish, specially around Key Biscayne and Elliot Key.
Any information on the subject would be appreciated. My e-mail is Leojor_2000@Yahoo.com
Thanks in advance.
marine, well . I don't know what to say . if the thing is you want to go ahead and fish , good , but places , i don't really know a lot of them , i like to just jump anywhere and look for them fish . still i've been to eliot key several times and the captain always picks the spots. i can find my way in the area, so if you want to go over there we can do that, or ask a couple of friends for some spots.
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