Well I took my Dental Admissions test this last Wednesday and scored fairly well. In order to celebrate I decided I was going to make some Chicha de Manzana a Chilean favorite that I couldn't find on my last trip.
Apparently Chile has sent all there apples to the US because of an apple shortage in the US. A friend that works in major produce tells me at least.
Anyway I started with 2 gallon jugs of organic fresh pressed and pasteurized cider from Sonoma county. I pitched 1/3 packet of some S-04 ale yeast and put the air locks on. I figured this would not be enough so I went out and got two more gallon jugs but I have one filled up with 5 cups honey, enough water to go to the top and some yeastex nutrients with some wine yeast this is the beginning of some hopefully tasty mead. The other jug I used a COSTCO apple juice not from concentrate with out preservatives and put the last third of the ale yeast and some yestex nutrients. Well they are all bubbling away and have me very thirsty. The Chicha should be ready for Thanksgiving and the mead maybe for New Years.
Anyone else make there own brew?