fucil de sapele

  • se que hay muchas cosas que mejorar como un mejor mecanismo ,insertar en el fuste el handle y el line anchor pero ya sera en el proximo ,gracias y un saludo

  • no se estuve viendo los mecanismos speardiver retrasados si no me equivoco y me parecen una mejor opcion para mi proximo fucil,aunque no se mucho de fuciles de gomas pues siempre pesque con fucil de aire pero me he ido interesando por sus ventajas en los fuciles de gomas por eso me he construido este,cuando lo prueve ya les contare que tal va en el agua

  • I'm sure this gun is going to work to your satisfaction. Still not too late to put a better handle on it and recess the line release.

    A reverse mech will give you a couple of more inches of band pull. But the quality of materials, holding power, and smooth trigger pull, will be the same.

    That said the new generation of Speardiver reverse mechs comes with a counter sunk top screw, and ribbed casing which looks nicer in my opinion.

    What will make more of a difference for you, since it looks like you're using south African carbon steel shafts, is to use a reverse mono mech. This will allow you to gain band stretch and connect the mono to the back of the shaft. But not with a track as deep as you have on this gun.

  • si tienes razon estos dos mecanismos tienen una gran similitud ,espero que este fucil cumpla con mis expectativas y no tenerme que meter en otro fucil ya que se me hace muy dificil su construccion pues no tengo las maquinas necesarias para aserme el fucil que quisiera en realidad.

  • Your trigger problems may be caused by the mech not being "parallel" or in line with the spear.
    It looks like the mech is installed at an angle to the spear, that will cause problems with engaging the shaft.
    And once you have hammered the shaft in place it will then affect trigger pull.
    I have installed some NileTecs and have experienced similar problems if alignment was off.
    If you take out the mech and try to engage a spear at different angles you will see what i mean.
    It is a very good mech though.

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