Riffe Euro 130 Question

  • Hey guys, I want to shoot a 7.5mm shaft with my Riffe Euro 130 but am not sure if I should go with the stock length of 170cm, or go with a shorter shaft length of 160cm. I have done a lot of reading on the net about shaft overhang, but I was hoping someone would have first hand experience with this particular gun/shaft combination. I will be using 3x14mm Riffe Amber rubbers with the thicker 7.5mm shaft. I have only ever shot a 7.1mm shaft with 2x16mm rubbers on the gun but I want a heavier setup, as my RA 130 shoots a 7mm shaft and 2x16mm rubbers. Any information is appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help.

  • I would also go with the 160 cm (personally I would probably use a shorten one) since this allows for a thicker spear with more mass but not much more that would decrease speed too much...
    But this comes down to personal preference.... ideally you would try both and see which one you would prefer (I'm not helping :))

  • Exactly, 7,5 mm and 7 mm in both 160 cm and 170. x 2 16 mm bands and 2x 14 bands. I like the thinner bands the most. Now I am usin the last one a 7 mm shaft with two 14 mm bands. I no longer have the Riffe tho. Great gun by the way.

    I'm a Speardiver, not a freediver

  • Awesome, that's exactly what I wanted to hear. I ordered the 160cm 7.5mm shaft with 3x14mm rubbers. I also have enough fresh rubber to make 2 x 16mm rubbers if need be. I appreciate the help guys

  • 130 euro are the best the Riffe line up has to offer yet. Great guns and affordable. I no longer shoot with large guns tho, that´s the reason the largest gun I have right now is a 55" and I kill plenty of fish with it. 55" the best all around gun, even for mid/light BW around here.

    You are not going to regret Riffes are good guns and euros are the best Riffes around.

    I'm a Speardiver, not a freediver

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