Shooting line need replace or not

  • How i know does or when shooting line (mono) need replace with new line.
    I have been using this same line on my speargun for last 5 month. Now this line is getting tangle. I untangle line every time after a few or more shooting.
    Does this line need replace or wait.

  • By tangle I assume you mean kinks or bends in the line. I like to keep the mono kink free so I replace it whenever there's a kink. Mono is cheap so this is not a problem. But also it doesn't absolutely have to be replaced because of kinks. Mono should be replaced when it's cut or no longer smooth due to contact with abrasive surfaces.

  • By tangle I assume you mean kinks or bends in the line. I like to keep the mono kink free so I replace it whenever there's a kink. Mono is cheap so this is not a problem. But also it doesn't absolutely have to be replaced because of kinks. Mono should be replaced when it's cut or no longer smooth due to contact with abrasive surfaces.

    Yeah it is kinks in line. It doesn't affect shooting my speargun. Will left it alone for more 2 or 3 month before replace. And also am using 400 lbs mono. Am targeting small fish mostly time.

    Thank! Dan

  • Check where it's crimped to the sharkfin on the shaft. I've had it break there a couple times.

    Crimp Look ok. but the loop to sharkfin has some bent. That only part moving a lot after shooting or pulling shaft out of sand.

  • The crimp creates a weakpoint. (Dan would know how much but I've heard 300 lb test goes to only 150 or 200 where the crimp is)
    But you're right Fidel, it has a lot of movement against the metal and wears thin right there. I had one break off with a nice cubera but luckily the fish holed up where I could see it and I got him in the boat.

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