Differences in blade shapes

  • I'm interested in finding out what the difference is between blade shapes and figured Dan would probably know something about them.

    Is there a reason why the ends of blades have different cuts?

    DivR has a semi circle that extends out from the end of the blade

    Many carbon blades have a semi circle that cuts into the end of the blade

    And some have more of a V shape

    There are obviously more variations than just these.

    Is there a functional difference between these or is it just for aesthetics?

  • The front edge shape could have an effect on propulsion, but in the case of rigid fiber fins that don't bend at all around the length axis, it's so small it's insignificant for our purposes.

    Surface area does have an effect. Some front edge cuts create the optical illusion of the blade being as long as others, but lose too much surface area.

    Mostly the different shapes are for product differentiation. Some manufacturers go to stupid lengths to be different, like the Persistent fins with their two "horns". I laughed when I first saw this, of course those points are asking to be broken. Sure enough a few months later they reduced the length of the horns.


    In the case of the longer Speardiver C100 fins the rounded edge shape helps prevent the fin corners from catching on bottom structure, making the already less maneuverable fins (due to their length) more manageable.

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