Catching Hell on The Weather Channel

  • Sounds like deadliest catch and bearing sea gold get a spearo makeover

    I cannot imagine that this will portray us or our sport in a positive light. I hope I am wrong

    i like to spear fish

  • I watched it out of sheer curiosity. It actually doesnt do a bad job of portraying the fishing side of commercial spearfishing well. They come at it from a "this is where fresh sustainable seafood comes from" angle. Showing how it gets from the ocean to peoples plates (shots of the seafood company showing up and paying for the fish) Its also cool to see middlegrounds hogs and groupers even if guys on scuba are shooting them.

    The part that is just silly is the manufactured reality drama. Like many reality tv shows its blatantly obvious (to me) pretty much all of the conflict is fake. Bad actors pretending to argue about stuff and run into danger for the sake of television. When a shark shows up they pretend like its going to eat them. When heading into port in a storm the boat breaks down etc. When they shoot a fish in a hole it gets silted out and they have a hard time finding their way out. They even give the divers full face masks so they can talk up the drama on camera. For those reasons its a pretty silly reality tv show.

    But I love/hate reality tv. I really enjoy the documentary style look inside cultures and professions I otherwise wouldn't know about. But I absolutely hate the fake docudrama crap that ends up taking up most of a reality TV shows time. Unfortunately it seems like the general public is more interested in the drama than the work.

  • Well said buddy. I love a few shows for the reasons you stated but I also get annoyed for the other reasons. I mean, this stuff is cool enough without bs

    i like to spear fish

  • I watched it out of sheer curiosity. It actually doesnt do a bad job of portraying the fishing side of commercial spearfishing well. They come at it from a "this is where fresh sustainable seafood comes from" angle. Showing how it gets from the ocean to peoples plates (shots of the seafood company showing up and paying for the fish) Its also cool to see middlegrounds hogs and groupers even if guys on scuba are shooting them.

    The part that is just silly is the manufactured reality drama. Like many reality tv shows its blatantly obvious (to me) pretty much all of the conflict is fake. Bad actors pretending to argue about stuff and run into danger for the sake of television. When a shark shows up they pretend like its going to eat them. When heading into port in a storm the boat breaks down etc. When they shoot a fish in a hole it gets silted out and they have a hard time finding their way out. They even give the divers full face masks so they can talk up the drama on camera. For those reasons its a pretty silly reality tv show.

    But I love/hate reality tv. I really enjoy the documentary style look inside cultures and professions I otherwise wouldn't know about. But I absolutely hate the fake docudrama crap that ends up taking up most of a reality TV shows time. Unfortunately it seems like the general public is more interested in the drama than the work.

    I think that sums it up.

  • I started out loving this show but I have now quit watching it because of all of the drama. Really?? Commercial spearfishermen scared of one shark. I am sure that this is not the actual divers themselves but the editors of the show. Anyone who has done any diving has dealt with sharks. I personally have went out with Keith Love and had hundreds of sharks around me at one time. Not enough fish shooting, too much drama that is unnecessary.
    P.S. why would the transducer line ever be sitting next to the prop??
    P.S.S. why is the same boat that was over the divers causing them to panic, in the background of a lot of other shots?

  • Yep it's all television trying to f**k with your mind to make a buck. I don't have cable for 10 years now. I just pay for high speed internet and Netflix streaming. I download the few good shows that aren't on Netflix.

  • I just heard on the Paul & Ron show (Local radio morning talk show) on 105.9 that by 2048 we will be completely out of seafood @ the rate that it's being overfished at. So, keep on beating up the reefs commercial guys, you're so wonderful for the future of our planet. I could go on a rant about these "professionals" but Ive done that before already and I wont beat a dead horse. The only thing I will say is that if world governments actually give any 2 shits about the welfare of our great oceans, they need to ban commercial fishing as a whole. Exploiting the oceans harvests for coin is unethical in every sense but no one say shit because a lot of people are making a buck off it. As long as there's a demand for something some people will sell their own children(actually happens in parts of the world!!!).

    I hope "TGO" and his buddies DO NOT get another season. FYI they just had "the worlds biggest spearfishing tournament in the world" as they boast for the St. Pete's Open which boasted 343 shooters on tanks for competition. How the hell can that be a good thing for the fish or the reefs? I'd like to know...

    I feel pity for the future of our ocean, it makes me sad gents.


    Chase :(

    Relax & Go Spearfishing

  • I do agree with you in principle Chase. No one commercially hunts for any land species. It's not sustainable other than officially monitored herd thinning in some cases.

    But the real problem isn't in countries like the US. There, you have effective enforcement to manage resources. It's developing countries, which have laws…..but there are no resources to enforce them.

    Wouldn't it be nice if only sportsman could fish or spearfish. Limits on species and seasons?

    Aquaculture is the only hope. When we can produce fish cheaper than people can catch it, we'll put them out of business. :)

  • But the real problem isn't in countries like the US. There, you have effective enforcement to manage resources. It's developing countries, which have laws…..but there are no resources to enforce them.

    I mostly agree with you. Those countries do have MAJOR issues. However, we do have our own issues and the limits that US Commercial fishermen are allowed to take is ludicrous! There really isn't much regulating going on in the US here. Its a facade, to maintain appearances. Why do people have to make a living off of a recreational hobby? They don't care about the future of our planet, they won't live to see the impacts. This rant is all for nothing anyways as I'm losing hope. Why can't "professional" fishermen be forced to resort to "farm raised" fish to fulfill the demand for those that choose to buy processed crap from the supermarket all the time? It's not like commercial guys are actually selling a "fresh" product anyways... Even those chumps on the "Catching hell" though you may not notice, are out for 3-4 days at a time and their fish gets gutted and thrown on ice.

    Wouldn't it be nice if only sportsman could fish or spearfish. Limits on species and seasons?

    Yes'r, it would be a utopia! :thumbsup2:

    Hope & pray for our oceans gents,


    Relax & Go Spearfishing

  • +1 , on a note: as the world keeps going on with rise in population, pollution and over fishing, the fish and reef decline is not going to a halt. Extinction is forever and it's going to take a world of effort to stop this.

  • +1 , on a note: as the world keeps going on with rise in population, pollution and over fishing, the fish and reef decline is not going to a halt. Extinction is forever and it's going to take a world of effort to stop this.

    Amen brother! :toast:

    Relax & Go Spearfishing

  • Yep it's all television trying to f**k with your mind to make a buck. I don't have cable for 10 years now. I just pay for high speed internet and Netflix streaming. I download the few good shows that aren't on Netflix.

    Good for you Dan. Not sure who is running some of these cable networks but they seem to target low IQ sheep. Nat Geo is all garbage now. And WTF is up with CNN???:crazy:

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