6.0 Earthquake Northern CA

  • Got woke up at 3:20 AM, thought there was a raccoon in ducting I was going to need to shoot it. Then felt the rollers for a bit. Lost power for a few hours. Think noise was a AL ladder outside.

    I did get up and walked around in the dark for a bit outside. Silence, No Gas smells. All Good.

  • The early warning system is interesting topic. Real expensive, 10s - 100s of Millions. Since it's gov, cost should be 3-4X more than projected.

    They say for this last one, it would give you 10 sec warning. Not much good 10 seconds unless you are in surgery or the such.

    If they can get the warning number up to 5 minutes or so , would be pretty useful, you could stop travel on bridges, tunnels.

    The Money spent to do this will help them learn more and could lead to other things.

    Will be interesting as they lobby for more taxes.

    Local chatter, I see folks doing better at strapping shelves and simple prep work. I have gotten sloppy on not keeping up, you can do simple things like having a string in front of a shelf so the contents will not fall out. doesn't take much. If you have some big one, all of that doesn't matter, but prep for the 6.0 type is not too expensive. Good to do in other areas vs just CA.

    Post Quake, I went outside and was only one in neighborhood. I went over to Gas meter and saw nothing wrong. I would have turned it off had I seen anything and then headed to other houses if that was an issue. Then walked external house and saw nothing.

    Anything crazy happens one needs to shut off Gas and E power.

    Only thing I found was some brazing rods that fell on the ground.

    Just north of me, is the Geysers, A large Geothermal area where they use steam to create electricity. They have quakes up there every day.

    Quakes don't bother me, Tornados and Hurricanes are different animal.

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