Safety for tuna clips, now that's clever!
Great idea! Thanks for sharing George.
I've been warning about this for years, see this thread http://spearfishing.world/all-…35-clip-you-can-rely.html. The only clip I rely on is the Speardiver Locking stainless steel snap. Why would you mess with a bulky tuna clip that requires a modification to make it secure? After his tuna clip failed while diving (see the thread I linked to) Reefchief figured out how it actually happens and showed me, same as in the Rob Allen video. I think he made a video and posted it here.
Speardiver locking stainless steel snap
Well, what I like most from tuna clips is that they are streamlined and they have a swivel. It never happened to me that one opened free. However what Mr. Allen shows in this video is simple and clever. Just the kind of mods/tunning that I like.
In my country we have a said that is: "The devil knows more for old than from devil" (Más sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo).
I love the idea but if you are taking away the speed benefit of the tuna clip might as well use the locking clips Dan and mark use
Lunker where have you been? Was actually thinking of messaging you to find out if you were okay.
Yeah but chasing Mark's board out to sea was a fun adventure!
Thanks George. All is well. I had a new job in March. It wasn't good. Parted ways and started another new job a few weeks ago. Life is much better
Good luck buddy.
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