Here is the crabbing video I promised. I cut out a few dives on a couple different types of crab from the hour plus video I shot that day. My gogro was pointed down so missing most of the action, but I thought it still worth sharing. This was also my first time in the water with my new Oceanic f10 v3 dive watch, I'm really liking it over my old suunto mosquito so far. Thanks Dan!

short crabbing in February video
Awesome. Want to dive up there one day for sure
Was that a king crab at the end? Thanks for sharing.
Was that a king crab at the end? Thanks for sharing.
Yes it's a young red king crab. Iv seen a few while scuba diving but he was the first while freediving. Legal size is any thing over 7" carapace width. He was way to small so I put him back.
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