Greetings from Monterey Bay

  • Hi guys and gals, my name is Gordon and I'm posting this introduction as per the instructions.

    I'm an officer in the Marines and was recently stationed in Monterey, CA for some service-related schooling in foreign affairs and language. Luckily, I've got an oceanic paradise right in front of my house and have been trying to maximize using and enjoying it while I'm here.

    I grew up as a yachtie kid down in the Sea of Cortez, and I used to fish/spearfish/dive basically every day. After a long hiatus, I recently got back into freedive spearfishing one a friend of mine talked me into it. I've been hooked since and love having a new hobby to dedicate my energy to. My other hobby is brewing and drinking beer, so this helps me shave a lot of calories off my weekly intake.

    Anyway, good to meet you all, and thanks for considering my membership.

  • Welcome, I grew up almost a yachtie myself. Great your back home in the water [emoji6]

    A bad day at sea is better than a good day in the boatyard
    George Steele

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