Anyone use fish bags?

  • JC left one with me when he visited, it has been invaluable to me! Works like a champ for my wahoo. Ice stays ice and fish is cold. Not as efficient as a cooler but very convenient and does the job.
    FYI I live in the tropics.

    A bad day at sea is better than a good day in the boatyard
    George Steele

  • JC left one with me when he visited, it has been invaluable to me! Works like a champ for my wahoo. Ice stays ice and fish is cold. Not as efficient as a cooler but very convenient and does the job.
    FYI I live in the tropics.

    Thanks for this info.

    How is it different from those insulated bags they have in grocery stores to keep your frozen produce cold?

  • Much much better insulation, I can put two 40 lb wahoo in mine. But I really enjoy how easy it is to carry around when empty, totally out of the way when empty as well. But I use it for pelagics so may not be practical in another application.

    A bad day at sea is better than a good day in the boatyard
    George Steele

    Edited once, last by Dude george ().

  • I use wife's old Costco bags. I put a 1 gal clear frozen water jug in each bag and will last all day in the sun. True the capacity is not as great as the custom fish bags but A 15 lb dog snapper and a few 6lb lobsters will fit in the bag.
    I use them because I have to conserve space on my kayak. The frozen water jugs keep fresh water off my lobsters and will stay alive all day till market. Also if I get stuck overnight on one of the islands I have fresh water. I know that sounds a little extreme but I've rolled the kayak a few times in the surf and once climbing aboard. So far my 2.5 Suzuki is easy to clear water from carb and I carry a spare plug.
    Monday I managed to get over 40lbs of snapper, hinds, and trigger fish in one bag.
    Here's the down side. They get full of small punctures and fish slime gets into the lining. I will soak with bleach water but the life of the bag is only about one month ( 5 days a week use ). Then again it' a $6 bag !

  • I have 2 differend size fish bags and they're quiet awesome! Mine where made in North Carolina and are very rugged. Engel makes some good fish bags too and they are in PBC. I use them in my Kayaks and also as a drink cooler on the beach when out with the dogs. Very handy to have and easy to transport. The biggest fish bag I've seen fits a small adult in it,quiet impressive.:)

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