This is a silly question...

  • ... Is 'band rot' contagious to other rubber bands?

    I have an old rabitech 16mm rubber that I've cut up and started using as spear tip protectors.
    The old band is sort of sticky and gummy to the touch, band rot maybe?

    I was wondering whether this 'rot' could get transmitted somehow to the newer rubber in the muzzle if the old rubber piece touches the fresh rubbers somehow. I know it's a very silly question, but I was curious whether it happens.

  • It's actually a good question. My initial thought was humm maybe.

    Time, Temperature, UV and other "factors" influence the Breakdown of the rubber compound.

    What is happening to the rubber exactly, not sure, so I would quess not contagious and that seems to be true from my own experience.

    Could be a small factor. What say you Dan?

  • Kind of the "one bad apple" concept….hmmmm. I wouldn't bet a whole lot of money on it, but I'm guessing it wouldn't be contagious. But I haven't seen that kind of band rot in over 8 years since I started keeping bands in the refrigerator.

  • Band rot is when the rubber breaks down through oxidation processes which cause the rubber to revert to a sticky substance. It is not transmitted to other bands as say an infecting agent which promotes degradation, the real culprit is oxygen, or ozone if rubber is stored next to electric motors or equipment which produce contact sparking. Rubber compounds usually contain anti-oxidation additives, but these get used up over time. Lower temperatures slow down the oxidation reactions in the rubber, but they don't stop them.

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