Hello from Naples, Italy

  • Originally from the UK, in January (2015) I was posted just outside Naples for a couple of years. I've done a little scuba diving before, up in the Orkney Islands, Ascension Island and a few in Dahab. Growing up we were always in the sea but never took it seriously, maybe grabbing the odd crab from the bottom, but when on Ascension I borrowed a friend's spear pole and had a blast, caught a few tasty fish and one horrible one!

    I went shopping with my wife out here a couple of weeks ago and while bored out of my mind in the shop came across a spearfishing section, complete with fins, masks, belts, weights, knives, guns the lot, and it all just felt like perfect timing.

    So - complete novice here, about to throw himself into the deep end in the lovely waters off the west coast of Italy!


  • welcome!:)

    about three hours far from the Tarente Gulf...

    Very nice! I'll be starting shallow along the coast here - already spotted a site over some rocks around a point just south of me, plus I hear there's some great fish to be caught around the island of Procida - only a boat hire away :)

    Once I've bought the last of my kit...

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