Can swimming pools make you sick?

  • It seems to me that every time I spend some time in a pool I don't feel well afterward, a sort of a mild nausea. Has anyone else experienced this or knows what the reasons might be? Could it be that the chemicals used in pools somehow permeate the skin and enter one's system?

  • Have always thought this myself ....

    Here's another.

    Submerge your self into a fast moving, cold-water river/stream... you will feel like you have an inexhaustible supply of oxygen . You don't even think about surfacing . What gives ?

  • Just my personal opinion, but I would never swim in a public pool:0
    I would even hesitate about swimming in a private pool just because of the chemicals.
    It is bad enough to be swimming on the 2nd reef and seeing the wave of contaminated water from the city outfall pipes.:(
    Again, just my personal opinion

  • very true...I think it has to be the mammalian reflex times 10...I once got into a stream I was doing some whitewater rafting on in CO and even though we were at the take out spot, there was still good current.

    I went under to get the dust and dirt off and it was incredible...I ended up borrowing a pair of swim goggles and trying to just work my way up the river to try to spot some trout underwater..I felt like i could stay face down for was awesome.

    i like to spear fish

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