Posts by O2 deprived

    yes, we do fight current sometimes the rope is almost at a 45 degree angle- not fun! and we do get up and down a boat , have to deal with darkness, get a tag - just depends on where we are diving,
    the point is that good skills are an asset. No , you do not have to dive to 100ft to spearfish unless you are in the over-fished Mediterranean ( Davide Carrerra, professional diver does) . I do know everyone who takes a freediving course, does research and practices becomes a better overall diver.
    You've probably seen this video of WR Dave Mullins- has records in freediving and spearfishing.

    took him 2.5 hours to get this fish in. the initial shot ( not shown) was down deep.

    yes, William is in Europe now then will go to Okinawa for the team world championships (team NZ) . He will be back on Long Island in the fall. I'll be there in Oct. You should come for a course--he, personally, dives with you , the class group is small and you will make a lot of progress.
    I just equalize normally until I get to about 35m. Then I have reached my residual lung volume( not enough air in your lungs to eq) and I have to bring air up for the mouthfill. Some divers reverse pack deeper for mouthfill but that takes a lot of practice. Eric Fattah describes this much better on his website ( I still have problems with eq. at depth and am working on it. If you tense up ( as I do) it just doesn't happen. Each time seems to get better, though and I go a little deeper. I haven't been diving for very long so it is all new to me!

    yes, he is my coach -- a great guy . taught me how to dive. here we are at Vb 10 -- a personal best for me constant weight 58m( only my third dive ever with a fin ). I only train no-fins. You can see I am wearing "two" D4s . the pink one is mine the other is the official gauge. I set my alarms at 35m for mouthfill and 55m to look for the plate and grab the tag. This is after the dive - a white card from the judges!

    Welcome O2 deprived :thumbsup2:
    These guy have treated me like a brother, It nice to have a extended family that love's Mother Ocean as much as I do.

    Do you know if Water Works allows fins in the pool ?
    I ended up going to Laguna yesterday for a long gun-less up hill swim to try out some new carbon fins.
    Cheers, Don

    I'd like to start a little training group in the Newport/Costa Mesa area. Let me know if you want to meet up some time and do some fin work. The only problem with the pool is there is nothing on the bottom to look at except old band aids and gum :@ I did find a diamond earring once, though.

    :diver1: Carla

    Don, I don't know about Water Works but 24 hour fitness allows fins-- you just get some weird looks and questions from the other members. I was training there on Fri with one of the spearos with his camo long fins and me with my mono, neckweights, etc. You just have to watch out for the dimwits who jump in on top of you when you are underwater.
    Fun to stir things up in the OC !

    Next time you train ( make sure you have a buddy) start with a NO Warm-up maximum effort. Just breathe- up and go. The dive reflex kicks in faster and stronger. Dave does no warm-up in all his pool competitions and so do most of the other good divers. The warm- up just reduces the length of your swim. Let me know how you do. We do no warm-ups in depth, as well.

    That 288 is unreal........I've got dive gear for sale...;)
    Cheers, Don

    That record is from last year . His newest record is 95 meters (311 ft) from Vertical Blue Suunto Dive-Off in April. I train with him and he announced 100m and will do it when he decides to move the record.
    In regards to packing; he does 45 packs . His lung capacity is 7 liters. He wears no weight.
    Actually you can spearfish with dolphin kick if you are comfortable with it. I even use a mono sometimes because it requires so much less energy.
    It is possible to do a frog kick and swim down with one arm- William makes you kick down ( no arms- no weight) in his class. I had to do the one arm swim in my last comp. when I neglected to get the tag secured and I had to carry it up- lol. My avatar photo is a cnf( constant no-fins) dive at Vertical Blue. I am just trying to do 50m!

    Freediving per se and spearfishing are two different sports. While freediving you just want to dive you personal best once.

    not exactly- we do personal bests over and over- until that depth becomes easy. Basic freediving technique is immensely helpful to better spearfishing. If you can dive 200-300ft, a 40 ft spearing drop seems so easy. Many of the top competiitve freedivers are amazing hunters. It is very easy for them to hold their breath for 6 or 7 minutes while hiding behind a rock on the bottom and they are in great condition and have good kick technique.
    Umberto Pellizari is the founder of Apnea Academy- the premier freediving school. He wrote the Manual of Freediving in 2001 and it was translated into english in 2004 by William Trubridge. It is the best basic text for beginner divers and those wishing to improve. Since it was published, freediving has evolved quickly. We use different equipment such as the monofin and fluid goggles and new techniques like the no warm-up maximum dive.
    If you think that you are the best spearo in the world and don't need to improve then don't bother to read the book or take a course or ask questions from other experienced divers but if you think you have room for improvement -good information is of value. Personally, I try to learn as much as I can and try to put it into practice in my diving.

    I am a friend of DonPaul and he suggested I join this forum. I am a competitive freediver and spearo. I live in So. Cal . I haven't been diving for too long but I am making progress thru trial and error. I have taken some freediving courses and have had the opportunity thru competitions to dive with the best in the world. I would be happy to offer suggestions to anyone who might have an issue in their diving -- I have and am still working on a lot of things myself! I do pool training and am always looking for training buddies.