Does or has anyone noticed these in fish species lately? Almost all the Cero Mackeral I am shooting have these in the gills.

Fish Parasites
Mackerel Lice? - The Fishing Website Forums
This fishing site has a conversation and they say they're common in mackerel.
My only experience with fish lice was when I was raising tilapia in tanks in the Philippines. They suck the blood of the fish and make them weak .
We dipped the fish in a formaldehyde solution every three days for three treatments.
I've never seen them in the ceros we shoot here though. -
I've seen these on bottom fish in Cuba.
I have seen those in snapper in their mouth.
I was cleaning sand dabs here in California and they just about all had them.
I got this off of Hanks link to the fishing forum...GROSSSSSSSS!!!!
"yep very common is jack macs, piper, trevs, sometimes Kahawai. Harmless and doesnt affect eating quality at all.
if your interested to know they are just a parasitic isopod (related to sand hoppers) that grow inside the mouth. They eventually eat away the tounge of the host and replace the tounge with themselves, this way they get a portion of the hosts food without doing anything, pretty clever little things. " -
Tio jorge mira
It occurred to me that this fish tongue parasite is proof that life is meaningless. There's no point spending your life stuck in some creatures mouth, unable to leave. It's just survival for survival's sake.
It occurred to me that this fish tongue parasite is proof that life is meaningless. There's no point spending your life stuck in some creatures mouth, unable to leave. It's just survival for survival's sake.
....and there's probably beings out there that can traverse the universe saying the same thing about us Earthlings....:)
I'll grant that there are probably other life forms in the universe, some of them intelligent. But significant space travel is likely to be physically impossible.
I'll grant that there are probably other life forms in the universe, some of them intelligent. But significant space travel is likely to be physically impossible.
Sad but true, all the science says significant space travel looks to be improbable :nutkick:
Warp Drive More Possible Than Thought, Scientists Say |
If we can dream it.....
And just because mankind hasn't figured it out.....doesn't mean it can't be done. God help us if we're the smartest creatures in the vastness of the universe. -
Warp Drive More Possible Than Thought, Scientists Say |
If we can dream it.....
And just because mankind hasn't figured it out.....doesn't mean it can't be done. God help us if we're the smartest creatures in the vastness of the universe.Dont know Hank, the more we learn about how the universe works the more scientists agree that it seems a physical improbability.
Yeah, the 0 gravity situation will be one of our undoings. Look at the space station guys after a few months. Total atrophy. But we keep learning. I think we're basically still pretty primitive animals.
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