GoPro HD Underwater Blurry Fix

  • Well I don't think a diopter will work. I tried a +4 and it helped but by the looks it may need a +10 to get it in focus.

    So now I am trying the flat port. I have taken off the current dome port and have a plexi flat port that I will seal using a thick o-ring that will mate directly to the housing. I will use the same diameter screws in a longer length to secure the port and seal it to the oring. I will let you know how it goes.

    The other guys who have flat port mods need to take photos so we can see if there is vignetting. Preferably with a photo subject that will allow us to view the sharpness of the edges of the photo.


    Edited once, last by Davesea: typos ().

  • Dave, your presence on this forum is a good influence...very pleased to have another thinking, learning spearo here...

    it is what sets us apart from so much of the noise on the internet

    i like to spear fish

  • I replaced the existing dome port with a flat port and did not have to use any glue. I still need the right O-ring which the guys at will have for me when I stop by their office this week. The black corners are from the jury rig seal so I could test it in the water. The lens is just about touching the inside of the port. Here are some photos.

    Notice the ruler at the bottom edge of the frames in the last two photos.


  • Nicely done. That is similar to what I had in mind, in some ways. The key difference that I wanted to include was a perimeter that extends forward just a little, to help protect the flat lense from contact and scratches.

    So, do the results here mean that it is acceptable to replace the domed lense with a flat one, rather than installing flat lense OVER the domed one?

  • Yes, the Vignette should go away when I find the right o-ring.

    I think this shows that the flat port works great. I am going to go with it. This is the best I have seen in terms of sharpness around the edges. This is more than acceptable when you consider the field of view.

    Next I will find the right o-ring and the dunk it to 100' or so.

  • The o-ring works great at sealing the flat port. Tested it today off the dock to about 30'. This is the r2 setting. With the new o-ring seal there is some minor black corners in the photos and with r4 (960) on the top corners. r2 (720) works great and I think I like this format best for underwater. Here is some video I took off the dock, r2 mode.
    It is difficult to assess the focus but I will be doing more tests soon.

  • This might help some of you with the underwater blurry problem with the Gopro. This was constructed 2 weeks ago and has no vignetting in 720 R3 mode (the widest) I don't believe you can replace the bubble lens with a flat and have no vignetting, that's why my version is case modified.

    There have been a few extra mos since this version. Details soon.

    GoPro have a fix in production so some of you might want to wait for the official version (I've been involved with Gopro since 2006 and know the CEO personally so the info is correct)

    I will be posting full construction details soon.

    Video from the flat lens in R3 Mode As you can see very sharp.

    >No Vignetting in ANY mode including 720p.
    >Removable front plate to access bubble lens and change if desired.
    >Very lightweight.
    >Filter gel can be placed internal between the black seal which also retains it.
    >Room for a circular washer shaped antifog pad internally if required.
    >Replaceable front flat port if scratched.
    >Proven design concept i.e. other deep water camera housings are made like this.
    >Gopro housing remains fully sealed.
    >Front flat lens can be removed rendering GoPro as original for land based shots.

  • It's a good fix and another example that shows the concept is solid, thanks for posting Rambo. But those two pieces of Plexiglas seem bigger than the whole case itself. Kinda defeats the purpose of having such a small camera. I'm betting Tin Man can come up with something better :gotm:

    See, I found your smiley :)

  • It's a good fix and another example that shows the concept is solid, thanks for posting Rambo. But those two pieces of Plexiglas seem bigger than the whole case itself. Kinda defeats the purpose of having such a small camera. I'm betting Tin Man can come up with something better :gotm:

    See, I found your smiley :)

    Actually it looks bigger than what it really is.

    There's a very good reason for the thickness and size that anyone making this style of fix will discover, since you didn't ask, i won't tell.

    Yes the bonding was done with a solvent weld.

    Cheers Rambo

  • Rambo, I figured that the overall robustness was necessary in order for the Plexiglas to be able to support bigger bolts, and remain straight under pressure to compress the O ring evenly. If there's another technical reason related to photography it's beyond my scope. If it's not too late can you please explain the reason?

  • Oh yeah, and to avoid the vignette effect of course!

    Rambo, I'm thinking this may be the simplest solution for the DIY. Is it possible to get the Plexi any smaller or did you find that to be the minimum size required? Did you make a template of the piece that you could share with us? What is the name of the solvent?

    Thanks :)

  • I'm putting together a parts list and tutorial. plus there is a few small mods to the original that has to be done to stop reflections from inside out, an anti fogging washer shaped pad, stops to prevent the top lens from over crushing the o ring when tightend and also popping the ring inwards under pressure, and black out to stop diffused light hitting the edges of the Plexiglass and causing a soft glow in the picture.

    There is also provision for filters and polarizer. internal and external.

    I built this for a specific purpose to mount on a counterbalanced pan and tilt 12ft pole with LCD screen at the operators end. The AV out is sent to the LCD via a small RF transmitter either inside the Gopro housing and another version has RF in a removable sealed bulge directly opposite the AV socket.

    All is waterproof.

    The bond is IPS weld-on #16 solvent based

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