Special thanks to Davie for putting housing together. I am lucky i had an old Fuji housing laying around that fit perfectly over the gopro.
Special thanks to Davie for putting housing together. I am lucky i had an old Fuji housing laying around that fit perfectly over the gopro.
EDIT- Pursuit has the Gopro HD Hero cameras in stock with an offer which I think is the best on the market for divers http://www.freedivingspearfish…-gopro-hd-hero-naked.html When you buy the camera included is an additional flat lens that fixes the underwater focus problem. The flat lens is available separately for $43.
If you would own a gopro, you would understand. Every gopro owner is very disappointed with the quality of underwater videos. The gopro is a small camera that takes awesome video 1080p and can even do 60fps in 720p. But once its put underwater, the video becomes blurry. The housing lens on the go pro is curved a lot and it causes underwater videos to be blurry. The fix is to place a flat lens on the outside of the housing lens to get a clear video. Davie helped me a lot to put it together.
Nice work guys, I like the size of the Gopro, but not the image quality under water.
Cheers, Don
I've had a Gopro now for about a year and half. Mine does not have the wide angle lens like they all do now. I use it on my motorcycle,RC boats,cars,and helicopters. Not having the wide angle lens did take away from quality on land, and I was some disappointed when they came out the wide angle lens. But seeing how its not beneficial for underwater, I'll have to start bring it out.
I'm really looking forward to seeing the results. I just bought a NEW GoPro HD a few weeks ago and I am planning to put a PT-044 lens ontop of my housing if it all works out.
Paying $260 just for the camera itself is crazy..I only payed $213 shipped to my door and that included the motor sport package.
One question- How did you remove the additional lens from the Housing?
This is the on I have:
I'm really looking forward to seeing the results. I just bought a NEW GoPro HD a few weeks ago and I am planning to put a PT-044 lens ontop of my housing if it all works out.
Paying $260 just for the camera itself is crazy..I only payed $213 shipped to my door and that included the motor sport package.
One question- How did you remove the additional lens from the Housing?
This is the on I have:
Fletch---congrats on the new camera.:) Could you give us the information where to buy the HD GoPro for $213.???
I too am VERY interested in this Greekdiver/seaweed GoPro invention:thumbsup2:
Thanks Fletch !!
Hey Greek. How did you detach the lens from the housing before you epoxied it onto the GoPro?
In the picture you can see that the plastic cylinder was cut off at the base. We then reduced this section as much as possible so it is almost touching the go pro lens. The fx30 housing cylinder was a perfect fit over the black gopro lens holder with the screws.
Can you use any kind of transparent polycarbonate as the flat lens to be added to the gopro housing? Or it has to be a lens from another housing as those might still have some optics build in?
i think any flat lens will do..i would only be concerned about depth and pressure with using random plastic...the underwater housings have some standards...i hope
I'm hoping that this may be of some help with the extra lens addition solution.
Maybe this could work by using longer screws and putting a second lens cover over the existing housing lens cover. In other words, doubling up the housing lens covers.
This kit retails for $19.99 from GoPro
Let me know what you think.
the problem there Hau is that it is just another curved lens...
LunkerBuster---Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear.
What I meant to say was to use the second lens housing ring/gasket to hold a clear poly lens against the existing GoPro lens.
Would that work instead of having to remanufacture the second clear lens housing?
well, at 69.95 plus shipping, the commercial fix is not worth looking at for us
seems unlikely it would stay over the lens without shifting and take the recoil well...plus he talks a lot about it leaking...doesn't sounds like it would last a day of 40-80 dives
Hmmm...that is disappointing. I was hoping for a better fix than this...although I should have expected as much. Well back to the drawing board. Hopefully greekdiver will have good results with his test project.
Anyone know where you can buy a cheap or used Fuji underwater housing?
i have been watching ebay for cheap housings of any kind...figure i can get a couple cheap ones and hope to get lucky.....oops revealed a dating secret :@
As soon as i go diving, i will upload a video. I know one other kid from Jupiter altered his housing too. He has yet to go diving too.
maybe cutting a round lens from a sheet of plexiglass would work...
it seems that you can buy a 12"x12" sheet 1/8 thick for $5:
Use a "circular drill" to cut a round lens... cut about 12 lenses from one sheet...
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