Pipin video- long shots with different guns

  • Hunting with sharks is common in the Bahamas ( or around Cuba) and you just have to deal with it.

    Funny you should mention this tidbit regarding the Bahamas. It is common knowledge that some of his past spearfishing videos were shot in the islands and he sure wasn't using a sling or pole spear.

    So if someone criticizes his method of promoting his gear, he is automatically a "hater"...please:rolleyes1:

    Who gives a flying fuk weather a gun can land a fish and a purported "long" distance. He would have been better off placing a target in a pool and shooting each of his guns in the brand line. This video fails to capture exactly how far these shots were and the videographer was filming from quite a distance away in most cases.

  • I'm not denying the fact that the videography and filming techniques on the video leave a lot to be desired. I'm not denying the fact that Pipin is pushing his brand hardcore, and is extremely involved in the commercial aspect of spearfishing. Does that mean hes a sell out? That's your opinion.

    Personally, i'm not going to call someone a sell out for finding a way to make money. Sure his stuff isn't top of the line, or well thought about. But you dont go putting down his name for trying to make money.

    I was simply pointing out the fact that a few of you ( not all) were quick to criticize Pipin and forget to think about the accomplishments he has achieved. I apologize Black1 if I interpreted your comments the wrong way. BUT monster slayer's arguements about spearing around sharks and "silly contraptions" are not substantiated.

    and to set the record straight: I don't idolize Pipin. I respect him for what he has accomplished. If you can't do that, I'd love to see you dive as deep as he can.

  • "I apologize Black1 if I interpreted your comments the wrong way"

    No need ever to apologize my friend, it takes much more than a few opinions, it was not taken as anything but your opinion and that I respect. Pippin is just like anyone else, has his good traits and his flaws...just like me, I simply don't like the way he is promoting certain things that's all. Take care.

    I don't try and take long shots, I prefer to get closer, but, I have on occasion and usually with bad results, a video about long shots is stupid in my opinion and does or say's nothing about the spearo or equipment.

  • I liked the video.

    If you have a 140 cm Pneumatic in your hands is to take long shots. Period.

    Monstruo: Maybe you are not used to, but in some waters, if you don´t like to dive with sharks, you better stay home. I know that in your waters there are great whites and I don't know if I have the balls to dive with one, but with reef and bulls, you must get used to.

    We only move out if there are too many and become too confident. Normally the just steal your catch from your stringer at the float.

    Again, I don't see nothig wrong with the video. He loads his gun just how it is supposed to. He shots at a distance that is "normal" for that size of guns and he gets some nice fish.

    I don't know nothing about his campaign in SB though.

    Marco Melis

    A bad day fishing is ALWAYS better than a good day at work.

  • i dont find this video very special. specially the camerawork is very poor.very bad timing,shaking, and completely missing the action. i dont understand how come that they making a promotion video for their gear with a worldclass freedive spearfisherman like pipin, and they cant get a good cameraman,or better two. considering that this is pipin diving, the dives wasnt that long or deep, and the shots wasnt very long shots neither.
    with good cameramen and some better editing, this video could be much better.
    but as it is, its nothing more than a normal/good youtubevid.
    btw, how come they have the flopper on top of the spear ?

  • I really have a hard time wondering why some on here are clammoring for this thread to be "cleaned up". I don't see where it violated any policies or went over the line. We are all adults here practicing what some would argue is an extreme sport. We are going to have opinions and sometimes they may be peppered with testosterone and conviction, but it is not a reason to edit the thread.

    What are we to become if we can't disagree? Switzerland? I personally like to surrond myself with opinionated people, I hate "yes men" or guys that are too gun shy to bring it strong. I say leave the thread as is. It's not all about gear talk or fish kudos. Threads like this bring personality to the forum.

    Those of you asking for this thread to be cleaned up are advocating that posts be edited or deleted. That is a form of censorship that can lead down a slippery slop. I am very comfortable with the two posts I contributed on this thread and will be taken aback if those would be deleted or edited out, particularly without my consession. We can self regulate ourselves and if someone wishes, they can edit their own posts.

    I don't see anything wrong with this thread. In my view there have been great posts and some of which I have learned a few things. I say let it be.

    Edited 2 times, last by Rolo ().

  • Rolo...the only thing that I thought was "wrong" with the thread is we had two conversation going...that leads to poor communication IMO and lends itself to good information being lost...for example, if i was searching for info about sharks and ended up having read a thread about pippin :)

    I was asking for Dan to separate the two conversations, as he did, so that each conversation could continue

    see the shark conversation here

    i like to spear fish

  • I hear you, but multiple themes within a thread is business as usual for these types of forums. Kinda like subplots within a movie. If we take this approach of separating it out, it can lead to never ending administrative editing via moderators. Most were asking to clean it up due to the "drama", which I did not find over the top. That being said, I don't disagree a topic on spearing around sharks doesn't deserve a thread of its own. :thumbsup2:

  • wow that was a big "clean up" job lol.

    Idk guys, i'm not the kind of guy who goes around starting fights with people. But when someone provokes or calls me out, i'm not going to be pushed around. Most of the guys who know me and have dove with me on here know that i'm a really easy going happy guy. Dont want to come across a different way, just wanted to set the record straight.

  • I

    What are we to become if we can't disagree? Switzerland? .

    so you dont like peaceful countrys ? :D
    btw, in case you dont know, the guy in my avatar is wilhelm tell. swiss national hero. killed quite a few wicked fellas, germans, who came in his way.

  • so you dont like peaceful countrys ? :D
    btw, in case you dont know, the guy in my avatar is wilhelm tell. swiss national hero. killed quite a few wicked fellas, germans, who came in his way.

    Haha, I was just using an example that most would recognize. In hindsight, I should have used Luxemborg :D.

    In actuality, I love the Swiss and their history. Great place to hide your money:D, low and pro business taxes and pro gun rights and as a result very low crime rate. The Swiss Franc is also one of the most stable currencies in the world. This is one of my favorite videos on you tube. I'll look up Wilhem Tell, I love history. Some say the Switzerland was started by the old knights templars fleeing Europe after Friday the 13th. Beautiful country, great skiing and nice women.


  • Interesting vid. I had no idea that Switzerland was like that.

    Sometimes the forum is about getting your rocks off. If there's going to be drama I prefer it be on a Pipin thread. But if someone's a generally negative person I don't want them to use the forum as an outlet for this negativity.

    I look for value in what people write here. If some editing is necessary to bring value to a thread whose premise would otherwise be drowned out by irrelevant posts, I'll do it as long as I have the time. I don't suppose anyone else would have the drive to do it.

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