Custom hawaiian sling

  • Hi, I am looking for someone who can build a custom hawaiian sling to my specs. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.

  • Hi Jason, I want a specific length of handle that lines up with my wrist also the hole to fit just the 1/4 spear as most holes also accommodate the 5/16th and give it too much play, also want a handle that I can replace the rubber easily on and dont need to restring. Want the notch to be of good size (unlike the small AB Biller notch that is tough to get a grip on.
    I know its a little anal but love it and beginning to get a handle on it and want something specific. have several trips planned in the next 5 weeks and wanted to get one customized mate!

  • Wow aresodin your fin in your picture looks invisible! Is it one of those OMER Millennium Ice blades?
    Anyways, I agree with Dan, unless you build it yourself, it will be hard to get it exactly right. But if you don't mind possible confusion, go ask a cabinet worker to help you. My diving partner, neighbor, and great friend is a general contractor who also owns a cabinet shop and lucky for me, he is an avid diver so me and him sit down every once in a while and crank out a new idea for a gun or what not and tackle it. He build great guns and I'm sure any experienced wood worker could do close to if not exactly what you want.
    Good Luck!

    Nick Hernandez

  • They are easy to make if you have access to a lathe. Not sure if he makes them for sale, but a guy by the user name "Powers" had some he posted on SB.

  • I have been meaning to do this for a while and have a few ideas. I could whip one out on my lathe for you. I have some nice chunks of burl wood to work with. Send me a PM with your thoughts/specs.

    "Whiskey don't make liars, it just makes fools. So, I didn't mean to say it, but I meant what I said."
    -James McMurtry

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