...a few weeks ago. Took me over a week for my friend, Jason, to send me the pictures. We went out a few inlets north of Martin County. We put a good whopping on some of the local fish population with some challenging conditions. I wish visibility was half of what it usually is down south. We were diving a few spots in the 70-80' range and had clear water for the first 25 feet, beneath this there was a layer of potaje with maybe five feet and an upwelling in the low 70s...burrrrr. The current was also ripping, so we marked the spot with some jugs and drift dove over them and did it again and again after boat would pick us up down current. Alright enough on the conditions:boohoo:.
I shot these pictured here along with two cobias one 35# and the other 28#. We did not take too many pictures, but here are a few. One of the guys screwed up some of the nice out of water Permit pictures as he was hitting the wrong button on the camera. We also landed a few nice mangroves in the murk among the Goliaths, but we did not picture those. Enjoy.