With the recent controversy on spearbroad I looked at their website http://www.pelaj.com/product-viewer.asp?id=733 this link features their Kanji gun, I like the name. Check out the price tag; 649 AUD, thats 564 USD. I saw it in a store here retailing for $535. Assuming the gun functions perfectly I still think the price is outrageous. Is that a plastic trigger and line release? Then it must be those special stainless steel screws securing the handle to the barrel :rolleyes1: Parts cost on this gun has to be less than $100, that's quite a mark up. Looks a bit like a Rob Allen BTW.

The money is in the mark up. Nowhere else.
Nice looking stuff, but it does nt worth the money IMO
i saw one at scubas world the other day while returning some foot pockets. it is basically an over priced rail gun, nothing special.
i didnt like the handle, bulky and not ergonomical.
the bands are supposedly made of some special material.
Yeah , maybe the bands are made of rubber , that might be the reason they are so expensive.
:laughing1: on a more positive note, they gave me a new set of foot pockets. for the one that had tore up.
That is good news.
Most spearguns in the market are overpriced IMO. Even the Wongs. Specially the Magnum hybrids, they are so overpowered that they need some serious ballasting in order to make them shoot straight. You have to downsize bands and shaft and then add lead to the handle in order to get them shoot straight. Same thing with most big Riffes. Nobody dares to say it in public though, cause they will think of that as a treason. But the spearguns wasn´t for free, they were purchased in the 1000 k ranges. That´s outreageus cause a nice RA, will shoot straight for as low as 250 bucks no need for any upgradings. About the Wongs and some Riffes they say: They shoot great --they say-- once you get used to the way they shoot --- :rolleyes1: :nono: I say to them: for that insane amount of money the damn speaguns must, should really shoot so damn straight to say, a friggin´270 (less expensive) Remington rifle should be ashamed. They must be user friendly and easy to shoot, aim and repair. I gave up the aimrite stuff, when i tired off of fixing and changing the breaking prone lowest quality plastic stuff. It is guaranteed, but i would instead like to have something that will last a lifetime.
The Riffe standard series in the other hand. Those are great spearguns. I trade an expensiver Wong for one and guess what. I love the Riffe 4. It shoots like a lazer, floats even fully loaded and has plenty of power and no recoil with 3 5/8s . The perfect speargun IMO.
I will be excomulgated from the spearfishing tribe for this post , but so be it. They know that i am telling the truth--
Yeah I'm getting tired of sending my aimrite back. But it does shoot great.
Well said. I'm not the repair kind of guy. So if i pay a large sum for a gun , it should be ready to go and no buts. It's like they don't really give a crap if you shoot straight or not. Well, monster , one more thing. Do you know al asesino over there in puerto rico.
Yeah I'm getting tired of sending my aimrite back. But it does shoot great.
Let me say, YOU Shoot great. I f you don´t overpower a speargun, say two bands, they must shoot straight, i have no experience with other guns other than the Magnum Hybrid that are semienclosed track and they say shoot 3 5/8´s with no recoil . That is not true. I´m sure they shoot great with just two bands. But that wasn´t the original deal for i what paid 1000k
Monstro :), With regards to your post on off the shelf accuracy; for those of us who made a gun or two those considerations are moot. I believe we look at guns differently ie. not see the glitter but the foundation. There's really not that much to a speargun. The fundamental principal is that if you want to increase range and power without losing accuracy you have to increase the mass of the stock which in turn will have the disadvantage of more difficult handling. Pipe guns have no mass to speak of so they're limited by design to a basic power configuration. It is when you cross the line with one aspect of the design that other aspects suffer, such as in the case of a hybrid.
With regards to being "excommunicated" that is the problem with spearbroad, notice the broad it stands for queerness, I will never allow it to get to that state here.
Well said. I'm not the repair kind of guy. So if i pay a large sum for a gun , it should be ready to go and no buts. It's like they don't really give a crap if you shoot straight or not. Well, monster , one more thing. Do you know al asesino over there in puerto rico.
No i don´t know him man, why?
Monstro :), With regards to your post on off the shelf accuracy; for those of us who made a gun or two those considerations are moot. I believe we look at guns differently ie. not see the glitter but the foundation. There's really not that much to a speargun. The fundamental principal is that if you want to increase range and power without losing accuracy you have to increase the mass of the stock which in turn will have the disadvantage of more difficult handling. Pipe guns have no mass to speak of so they're limited by design to a basic power configuration.
With regards to being "excommunicated" that is the problem with spearbroad, notice the broad it stands for queerness, I will never permit it to get to that state here.
Sergio, sometimes clicking between threads you can miss a line or two, I've had it happen to me and I'm pretty thorough. Monster is from Mexico.
The problem here Dan is that they sell you the idea that, since the gun has an all wood, perfectly ballasted, semienclosed back third, you will be able to powerit up with a 5/ 16 shaft and 3 5/8´s with no recoil. That´s in fact the confiuguration by which they sell the gun. An then some people criticize riffe for the same crime. What we should get for that insane amount of money is a straight shooter no less and no more.
Ithough somebody said he was from pr. But now i remember i was wrong. I asked about asesino 'cause i sent him a message sometime ago and it wasn't aswered. He is from pr and i was trying to get in touch with him. Monster, sorry.
Ithough somebody said he was from pr. But now i remember i was wrong. I asked about asesino 'cause i sent him a message sometime ago and it wasn't aswered. He is from pr and i was trying to get in touch with him. Monster, sorry.
Don´t worry hehehe
The problem here Dan is that they sell you the idea that, since the gun has an all wood, perfectly ballasted, semienclosed back third, you will be able to powerit up with a 5/ 16 shaft and 3 5/8´s with no recoil.
I thought hybrids sell with three 9/16 bands? I know Riffes sell with three 9/16 bands.
I thought hybrids sell with three 9/16 bands? I know Riffe sells with three 9/16 bands.
i guess the regular hybrids are rigged with two 9 /16´s. The Magnum hybrids (almost 250 hundred dollars more expensive) are regulary rigged with 3 5/8´s and a 5 /16 shaft.
I'd ask what the difference is between the magnum and regular to know where the $250 went but I'm just not interested in those guns, not even for encyclopedic reference. I'll assume it goes into the extra band
On the other hand I believe people should put their own value on their work, but I can have my opinion.
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