New hybrid - ultimate speargun

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    Check out the new hybrid I made!

    Reverse semi enclosed track, barrel is carbon fiber reinforced on the inside with more baby carbon fiber. The wood stock is 199 teak laminates, it's so strong you can lift a tank with it a la Aimrite. This new design allows for super easy tracking, it's actually so easy that when you point the gun at a fish the gun follows the fish on its own. 65" 7mm shaft of very very hard steel that is virtually impossible to bend and will only rust to shit if you put a scratch on it. Powered with any number of bands as the added weight in the front controls even the most outrageous amount of recoil. I want to thank all the hybrid gun builders out there as their talent and creativity provided me with the impetus to embark on this project.

    Your compliments are eagerly anticipated :thumbsup2:

  • Wow, a bit tip heavy i guess :rolleyes1: double wow, now, to be an acomplished and perfect genius you gotta sell those worldwide, at say 1000K each, and in spite of being severely overpowered and inaccurate and a bitch to load, (not to mention the plastic garbage of the handle and stuff) make your customers defend your invention with their own lives ...:crazy: :D Congratulations

    I'm a Speardiver, not a freediver

  • You're gravely mistaken! The handle is not "plastic garbage". It's made of space age composite polymer modeled after the same handle as the phaser gun captain Kirk uses in star trek. I'm counting on your support.

  • Does the tracking system work on all types of fish? Even the smallest of which? I am into spearing minnows nowadays and would pay double that amount for a gun of said accuracy.:cool2:

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