Reefchief's oceanic adventures

  • Dans video makes them appear graceful and delicate. But make no mistake, it was a hardened gang of ruthless fish thieves. Ready to beak you to death at a moments notice for a scrap of fish guts.

    They were actually really intriguing and beautiful to watch. In another life I could be a birdwatcher.

  • I was messing around with my dlsr taking some pictures of feeding my fish tank. The footage was pretty cool so I timelapsed it and slapped some chill music on it and put it on youtube. Anemones are weird incredible creatures. It really looks cool full screen in 1080p

    My Anemones eating. - YouTube

  • Today was the craziest day ever. Ill make a proper post later tonight about it when I have some time. But what started as nice little morning beachdive turned into an offshore GPS based haystack search when my banksboard unclipped and blew offshore on my way back in.

    In the end it was found. But If not for the immediate and incredible response of Dan who literally dropped what he was doing prepare his boat, take it out, and help me find my board. And Frank who stood up a Birthday party to come along and help me find it using his iphone. I would be out an Iphone, waterproof case, a Banks boards, a stringer, all my extra weight, light, a weight belt, all my emergency equipment including a VHF radio. And various other little things.

    Thanks again guys. I owe you a few.

    Started like

    Ended like

    Edited 3 times, last by Reefchief ().

  • Started out like this:

    Ended like this:

    On a side note: It was super hard finding a big yellow float with a dive flag in the ocean when we knew the area to look so keep that in mind when you're out there with nothing. Moral of the story is keep you equipment secure and don't get lost.

  • Fished in a mahi tournament today. All hook and line but I killed some fish so I figured I would still post it here. Had a beautiful rain free day on the water. Fishing was hard today but we managed to catch 21 schoolies and won aggregate wight limit in the tourney. Ended up getting into 3 different schools of fish in 1000ft 1100ft and 100ft. Got about 7 from each school. Missed a few real nice fish. One insane screamer of a knockdown ate the bait but not the hook (made a TLD30 set to strike scream like a mofo so it was a big fish) also lost a 15lber at the boat. The 15lber was an expensive fish and would have won us second place. Heres a few pics from the day.

    Edited 2 times, last by Reefchief ().

  • Where were they last week???

    When we solve that one they will rename fishing to catching :laughing::laughing:.

    It was a combo of just plain ole luck and more time with baits in the water (from 7-2) to make that luck work. One school we hit trolling out of the blue early in the morning around 10. The others we found later in the day by spotting bird activity on the water. We found warmer water about 15 miles out at the 55 line. Which is where a lot of action was concentrated.

    One guy went out to the 35 line (30 mi from shore) and did really well with 40+ lbers etc. Pretty sure he won another tourney going on that day and made it worth it. But thats an expensive run.

    The fishing was nearly as slow as last week. A clean ocean with very little weed or floatsam. Lots of frigates but they were looking for mahi not following.

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