Prayers for the families of the dead and missing.:(
Sincerely, Don
Awful. What a beast of a storm
Little background here...
I was in the midst of rotating home when this one hit. I arrived back on US soil Memorial day and was home two days later.
Two days later is when The Monster landed. About half a mile as the crow flies from our home. Oddly enough, I was rear ended in OKC that afternoon which totaled the vehicle . About 3 hours later, we were hiding from the big bastard ( 2.6 miles across) that hit the east side of our town . First tornado I've been through that had me scared. But all in all, we're all safe and aside from needing a new roof , we're intact.
Love to all my friends here,
Aaron, Alissa and Aeryn Brooke
Glad you're safe and good to see you back.
Glad your OK, if you lived closer we'd be raising a roof together. I'm very happy your back on US soil .
All the best, Don
Amen. I was a little worries by the radio silence.
A dram in your honor soldier. Welcome home
Little background here...
I was in the midst of rotating home when this one hit. I arrived back on US soil Memorial day and was home two days later.
Two days later is when The Monster landed. About half a mile as the crow flies from our home. Oddly enough, I was rear ended in OKC that afternoon which totaled the vehicle . About 3 hours later, we were hiding from the big bastard ( 2.6 miles across) that hit the east side of our town . First tornado I've been through that had me scared. But all in all, we're all safe and aside from needing a new roof , we're intact.
Love to all my friends here,
Aaron, Alissa and Aeryn Brooke
Glad you are home and sustained little damage - little is relative to the really bad stuff. I was teaching at the FAA academy when the monster approached Moore (just south f academy) and took my class into the underground tunnels. Bad ass storm and worse part was losing the kids in the demolished school - but could have been worse. Bad sxxt. Welcome back!
Glad you are home and sustained little damage - little is relative to the really bad stuff. I was teaching at the FAA academy when the monster approached Moore (just south f academy) and took my class into the underground tunnels. Bad ass storm and worse part was losing the kids in the demolished school - but could have been worse. Bad sxxt. Welcome back!
Tell ya,buddy... I was kind of dismissive of these things until now. Some freaking power like none other and baseball hail is no joke.
I felt the same way until Andrew. We had a five ton AC unit in the side yard that was standing vertically through the ceiling in my bed room.
Mother Nature is a mother when she wants to be
Judah, that new avatar is sick !!
Ah thank you buddy. Have frank or mark to thank for that. I love that my dive buddies are total photo dorks.
All I have to do is kill fish and look good.
Sounds easier than it is Hahahahaha
So far I look at fish and kill time and beers
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