Hello from Colorado

  • Hello to all,

    I am presently living in Colorado, but plan to spend more time in Puerto Rico.
    I have been spear fishing for a long time, but have not gone as often as I would like to in recent years. Looking forward to resume in a more active capacity.
    I would love to get in touch with other freedivers from Puerto Rico!

    Edgar Reyes (innermindhealer)

  • Welcome Edgar

    "Whiskey don't make liars, it just makes fools. So, I didn't mean to say it, but I meant what I said."
    -James McMurtry

  • Welcome Edgar. I lived for 7 years in that beautiful paradise called Puerto Rico.

    They have a Facebook group called "spearfishing Puerto Rico" or something like that. There are many spearos over there right now. When I first arrived there, there were less than now. You for sure can hook up with some good people in the island. Make sure to ask the locals which fish to eat or not, because ciguatera is present, particularally in the Eastern side of the island.

    Good luck! ;)

    Marco Melis

    A bad day fishing is ALWAYS better than a good day at work.

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