You guys that dive Miami/Broward ever see Nassau grouper? I believe I saw a decent size one, want to make sure it wasn't a red.

Nassau grouper
Seen one before but it was in islamorada sitting fat and happy without a care in the world..I'm sure they're here too. Did he not hang around long enough to get a good look at?
Plenty of time, just couldn't make up my mind because it's been so long since I've seen one.
Nassaus are easy to identify if you can see the dorsal side just before the tail. They have a distinct black spot right there.
Saw one in boca on the third reef. He was not shy. I almost made a post about it.
I think they normally let you get close. I only remember seeing a Nassau once before here. Every time I saw one I could've shot it, and in Cuba I did. Beautiful fish. Not sure why they can't be taken.
They're protected in Belize during spawning season. Dec to Mar. I think. And they have to be a certain size.
I think their numbers dwindled because they're pretty dumb and easy t shoot. At least here….
They are very easy to shot. Almost suicidals. And delicious! :rolleyes1:
I've seen a couple of them off elliot key. The easiest way to tell the difference is the black spot on the top of their tail. If you can't see the tail and can only see the head, look for the tuning fork shaped marking on their forehead.
They are very easy to shot. Almost suicidals. And delicious! :rolleyes1:
They exhibit a lot of the same behaviour as hogfish. Another smart fish….:laughing:
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