Posts by black1

    Thanks for coming Paul, glad the link I sent worked, great bunch here and look forward to talking more. I didn't know those things about you and your ears, interesting.


    I have sent you in a pm an apology for coming across to you as strong or too direct about your snorkel in/out thread and my apology still stands, but I must say that what you have said

    "the evidence in this clip shows that having the snorkel IN or OUT doesn't provoke, neither prevents, a developing blackout condition"

    is wrong, a snorkel in can provoke a blackout if you are already nearing the state in which your body is before a blackout and you suddenly blow out/disperse the water with force as you subscribe and go horizontal then you have just sealed the deal for the blackout to occur, were as with no snorkel out of your mouth and upon reaching the surface you exhale gently and the first thing you do is inhale fresh oxygen while kicking you have increased your chances by a large margin not to blackout...not saying it can't happen, but, the safer way is by far the 2nd option. This is why it is taught by professionals along with other reasons to have the snorkel out. Also what Terry said in his book about Bills way (RIP) "These conditions are very unlikely to result in shallow-water blackout." unfortunately have proved very wrong, so your quote from Terry's book about the snorkel in is also very questionable and is why instructors today, not then, subscribe and teach the snorkel being out. I hope this post does not come across too strong or disrespectful to you because it is not my intention and I am only saying it so others can make up there own mind as to what they can choose to do, but should be aware that yes it can in certain ways provoke a BO or at least hinder the ability to recover properly before one occurs if nearing that state.

    no one here said anything of the like that it was "silly".

    I don't feel I was that harsh on him, at least no more than the other people on several forums that Pippin actually started the thread then he answered for him then said he wasn't affiliated with him then copy pasted his exact answer to all the threads. There are alot of newcomers to spearfishing and although many still keep the snorkel in there mouth and do fine, from a teaching perspective the associated risks and problems that can occur are very real and I feel with that understanding it should be taught to be kept out...if a person after chooses to keep it in then so be it, but, the dangers and problems have been taught to them, and besides his excuses were not based on safety they were based on "all my friends do it so there" or "Terry Mass says this" which is not acceptable for people who may pay a good amount of money for a class and be taught 2 cents. I was repeating info that I was taught by very professional and experienced people and also using my common sense which I have learned as well, but yes Red Tide and Rick have been diving for a long time just fine but Red Tide was not promoting this as a trainer was actually Pippin who first started the thread then as usual never came back to answer a thing. I don't have any hard feelings for Rick, heck I dont know him and I am sure he is a good guy and maybe we have alot in common, but, again as a training safety instructor I felt I had to say more thats all, repsect to him none the less.

    I like the video it is creative, I also know Ren and the crew who put it on and they are stand up people, I have seen some dumb dangerous spearfishing videos and heard un safe snorkel in the mouth advice by psuedo trainers so to each there own I guess, it's just a video after all and we all are mature enough to see that, whether we agree with them or not is not so important in my mind. Ren is a good instructor and has helped many people become safer divers and that I respect, his video editing is also nice so I dont see what the big deal is.

    I like that vest Dan, I was going to say that most I have seen don't have a long enough weight belt fastener in the back, this is the part that Don has made with the ball that goes under the weight belt, most vests I have seen in person have a short strap that if used would need the weight belt to be up high on a persons waist instead of the hips and this is bad for breath up because it is on the diaphragm, so I am glad to see how Don has made this piece of it. Don please let us know how the vest affects you being horizontal during breath up's ex: does it make you sink a little in the chest area when breathing up? how does it feel for being horizontal when "straightening out" after your descent? this looks like it might also be good for Aspetto type diving were you wait on the bottom for prey, look forward to the review.

    TheShred you will really like the H Dessault footpockets that Dan has, I use them as well on my Speardiver carbons and they are super comfortable. My Dive R's are my back up with a pair of H Dessault's in them.

    "The scenario presented in this reply post as the cause for a blackout is an over simplification of a complicated physiological event in which having or not a snorkel in the mouth is inconsequential."

    Until you break the surface and start your recovery breathing! then it can be very seriously consequential and that is my point. On top of the complicated physiological event which is taking place you subscribe to blowing out your air through a snorkel before surfacing and Immediately taking breaths of air through literally a small straw so you can watch a fish, keep an eye on sharks etc, etc, some may go years doing this and be fine and others get in serious trouble very quickly. I feel the proper way to help combat the physiological events of freedive spearfishing is to teach people the safest ways to recover properly and one of those ways is never to keep a snorkel in your mouth at all times due to the reasons I have mentioned. My opinion.

    "If you look at many of the freediver blackout reports you will see that there is an increased incidence of lung complications—meaning water into the lungs. About 20 years ago, when the majority dove with their snorkels continuously there were less reported lung complications, at least in my experience."

    about 20 years ago (from Terrys book date) deep was 40ft and they used to hyperventilate like crazy which was the norm, they also did not understand shallow water blackout either back then like we do know, just because Terry says something in his book does not override common sense for me personally. I have spoken to Terry at length about his new safety vest and although the subject of snorkel in mouth did not come up I would bet it would be a safer thing to do is have your snorkel out of your mouth if you blacked out and the vest was thrusting you to the surface, I will ask him about this.

    Rick please don't take this as anything but my opinion please, I feel strong about it, but, mean no dis respect to you or negativity towards you on this subject ok.