Getting rid of ammonia smell

  • Is there something I can treat fillets with to get rid of ammonia smell? I heard of freezing and also of soaking in milk. I have a bunch of good ray meat that I'd like to be able to eat but can't due to the strong ammonia smell.

  • I heard you can soak in sodium bicarbonate.

    Ammonia smell is either a sign of decomposition or the fact that rays don't have a urinary tract and excrete urea through their skin.

    If decomposing it can have some side effects.

    Davie Peguero

  • I guess some manage it better than others.

    Another way is trying to mask it.

    Place it in milk, really really cold milk, let it stand overnight changing the milk every couple of hours.

    Marinade it salt, fresh ground black pepper, tomato sauce for masking the smell further.

    Next get cedar boards from publix and soak it in water. The cedar taste also masks the smell.

    Get the grill RED HOT and put in the boards with fish on top.

    When th boards char a bit on the sides and fish is cooked pull it off.

    This is the tricky part. Scrape the fish gently off, since it might stick, while standing over a trash can. Try to get all of it off.

    Serve the cedar boards with ice cold beers and enjoy.

    Davie Peguero

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