hello from jacksonville

  • Hello all, just saying hi, I'm a diver here in jacksonville fl. I hail from St.thomas,u.s.v.i. I try to go home at least once a year to do some diving for a week or two. Here in jax i have a dedicated dive buddy that i hit the jetties with for sheephead and snapper. We should be getting a boat within a week and should be hitting offshore pretty soon. Hope to hear from any other divers in the area and especially fl.
    p.s. seasons greeting to all and dive safe
    alvin lewis

  • welcome alewis
    There are a lot of experienced, helpful and friendly spearos here
    I yak freedive spearfish in the Miami area.
    My own motto is: If I cannot offer something constructive, helpful or positive I keep my mouth shut. But thats just me

    Spearfishing Store

    Edited once, last by hau ().

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