Has anyone actually tested their Shark Shield?

  • For the select few of those that own a shark shield, have you ever put it through it's paces? Seems to be a lot of back and forth on whether is really works or not. Just wondering if any of you have switched it on when sharks are near to see what happens or tried them on some sharks that were feeding. I see alot of posts from people that say it gives them a warm and fuzzy but I haven't found a post where anyone actually tried it out to see if it worked.

  • i have never worn one, but the guys on the boat sharktales do, or used to wear them and I have seen video of curious sharks swim up towards the divers and get turned away as if punched in the face when they reached a proximity to the diver...I don't think they, or anything else, will stop an agressive shark, esp a bull, tiger or GWS, but they seem to be effective at keep the curious ones at bay and keeping curiosity from developing into aggression by keeping the distance..

    dunno if that helps you with your question

    i like to spear fish

  • We use 7 mm shafts as "Sharkshields".

    That works great so long as you can see them. I am looking at a shield for the ones I don't see. I'm not scared to poke a shark in the nose with the tip of the spear. What got me thinking about this is the story of the spearfisher who just got bit in Miami a few weeks ago. He had no idea the shark was there. I dunno, it's alot of money but with my first kid coming into the world soon I am getting alot more cautious about some of the risks I am taking.

  • I wore a friends one time diving in murky 40ft. water. Once I got to the bottom the shark shield cord slowly found it's resting place on the top of my head. It then proceded to shock the sh!t out of me. I'd rather not dive than wear one of those damn things. Later I found out most guys don't actually turn it on until they see a shark, but it's alway the ones you don't see coming you got to worry about so that doesn't make a whole lot of sense either. Def wear a hood when using one!

  • The guy whos shark shield I used has a couple of them. He's in a similar situation as you with wife and a bunch of kids. He doesn't mind wearing it so I guess you just get used to being electrocuted.

  • I think sheild or not its something , we cant avoid. they are out there, and an aggresive shark I think doesn't care if they sense dying fish(free food).
    but if you think about it you definetly wont relax and dive well.

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