B.A.D. spearguns????

  • BAD= FAIL.

    The marketing guy must of taken the day off when they came up with that name.

    From my search,

    They just seem like a riffe copy with an aimrite handle and enclosed track. The prices are cheap, that's great IF they're any good.

  • I am a bit OVER-picky with spearguns, but he violates one of my pet peeves... wooden gun makers that don't bother to recesss the handle. It doesn't take much time to route or even drill/chisel out a handle recess. Just slapping the handle on a piece of wood looks sloppy & lazy (in my opinion).

    Here's an example of a Hatch speargun with a very simple handle recess:

    That being said, rectangle riffe-style speargun clones are simple in design & with proper band/shaft setup, most will shoot well. :)

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