Playing in the pool -or- some lessons to learn from target shooting

  • No. When we used it in Chad's pool, we made a small float of 3" pvc pipe, with a cap at each end, and tied it along the top edge. The belting hangs down from that, with some dive weights on the bottom to keep it positioned.

  • Jeff, I had thought of something similar to your idea but as a means to give more options for targets and of various sizes, shapes, etc. I imagine with that belting, being more durable, one could go so far as cutting fish like silhouettes to make it more realistic and help with making that kill shot placement (finding the gill plate/lateral line, etc). The float PVC is as you described, capped with air (or foam if needed for buoyancy) and the bottom capped with sand for weight. Mono would serve as the support/guide lines. Not sure if would be too much or not (tangles, etc) but it could work pretty well I think. Thoughts?

  • I don't know, that does seem like it might tangle.

    Ours was attached to the PVC pipe at the top. but nothing on the bottom. We did not cut small squares from the belting. Instead, we let a long strip hang down from the PVC float, to the bottom, and then along the bottom for a foot or two. Then just set some weights on the portion of the belt that lies on the bottom to keep it from moving around.

    To keep from blasting a bunch of holes in the same place, Chad came up with the idea of just sticking a white thumbtack in the belt for a bull's eye. We perodially moved the thumbtack.

    When done, you just roll the whole thing up around the PVC pipe.

  • Yea, the tangling was my main thought on issues with that. A large piece with the moving bulls-eye is a good idea though. I am sure that belting could take several strikes in one area before becoming too chewed up. Is there steel in the belting (like in a car tire) that could damage the spear (more scratch it to hell) or fray the shot line?

  • Jeff, that stuff floats?

    I think your going to be looking for a new houch if you get caught or launch one while cocking.:@:@;)

    I use a bread basket( 2'' square wire mash anchored with hip wt and mounted my clear target ( plastic note book sleeves) with alligator clips. testing in a clear bay would be safer for the neighbors, please be careful

    Cheers, Don

    "Great mother ocean brought forth all life, it is my eternal home'' Don Berry from Blue Water Hunters.

    Spearfishing Store the freediving and spearfishing equipment specialists.

  • for simplicity sake I am sticking with the yoga mat as it floats...what I did was cut a 14' square and tied a chopstick across the top to keep it spread apart and add a tiny bit of bouyancy...the same snap swivels still attach to the bottom.

    the yoga mat holds up for one use at least...good for about 20-30 shots.

    once this material is gone i might try the belt idea.

    thanks again guys

    i like to spear fish

  • 20-30 shots should be plenty for siting in a new gun or a different way of rigging it.
    If I went out after that and was still missing fish, I'd try to get closer. :D

  • judah, let me know next time you guys do this. me and shallowrunner live a minute from each other so we can always hitch a ride. I'm not sure about Shallow Runner's pool, but there is no way that its gonna happen in my complex pool lol. wayyy to many annoying kids.

    I'd be really interested in testing out my gun in these precise controlled conditions.

  • judah, let me know next time you guys do this. me and shallowrunner live a minute from each other so we can always hitch a ride. I'm not sure about Shallow Runner's pool, but there is no way that its gonna happen in my complex pool lol. wayyy to many annoying kids.

    I'd be really interested in testing out my gun in these precise controlled conditions.

    Ben, Yea, they would shit if I did that. They gave me a hard time when I had some SCUBA gear in there helping my gf when she was doing her cert. But I think we may end up doing it on Sunday (Judah?) and drinking some beers and watching football. Let me know if ya want to ride out with. It is certainly nice to have a pretty neutral environment to get a baseline for assessing your gun.

  • When I did target prctice, I found this to be the best solution. You will know EXACTLY where your shot was placed and there's no hazzle to remove the shaft from the target.

    The best thing is that you can roll it and you only need one of this floating tubes and two pieces of cord/rope to hold the target.

    I don't use it anymore because my pool is too short for the guns I'm using now.

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