Good set of gloves

  • Im looking for a good set of gloves for this summer. Im almost finished with the gun build that I started and I plan on using a reel with it. I need a set of gloves that can withstand the the spectra reel line and not get all cut up.


  • Disclaimer. I have no reel experience.

    That said. For gloves I get cheapo Kevlar dive gloves off eBay for 16 bucks. They last me more than a year average and I never have think about them getting lost or trashed cos of how cheap they are. To me, gloves get shredded so don't spend too much.

    i like to spear fish

  • I wore gloves like that once and my only complaint was the the portion around the wrist was unsecured and flopped around a bit, more of a nuisance than anything. I solved it with a fairly heavy rubberband around both.

    LB I doubt there lionfish proof but they feel safer to me than my dive gloves. I just try to avoid the dorsal spines altogether.

  • i buy the ones at divers direct and i patch them up with wetsuit glue. Going over a year with a pair.

  • I bought an expensive pair of Akona Kevlar gloves about two years ago and the first time I dove with them they saved my hand from getting cut off when i got it caught in the prop of my boat. I've been wearing them since and they're still in good condition. I highly recommend them even though their pricey at 40$.

  • Ive heard some really good reviews about the akona gloves. Ill need something that can withstand the reel line and protect my hands. I already have a pair of cheap scuba pro gloves that I use and they work fine for most things but I doubt they will last long working a reel. Thanks for all the help and suggestions.

  • i'e had the hammerhead gloves for over a year and they have padding on the palms whiich if ur worriedd about the reel line that helps alot. I wish i shot fish big enough to pull the reel line out fast enough to worry :rolleyes1:
    they are goood and comfortable, but after a year they need replacing. I've used them heavily, though.
    I think next i may get the akonas. their booties are great and the gloves look good too.

    Scupper Pro Gives You Wings!

  • I feel them perfect and those gloves are the ones all of our group uses. They're black with Nitrile lining on the palm and a small velcro in the back. They last like 6 month, dependind on the abuse.

    For me, gloves are a consumable, like printers cartridges.

    Marco Melis

    A bad day fishing is ALWAYS better than a good day at work.

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