B.W.M. Two In One Shot

  • Had a blast at the blue water meet over the weekend. There were not many fish taken but a good time was had by all.

    I wanted to share my story because it was a first for me. I scouted the day before the meet and never found the fish. I could hear them faintly but no matter where I went no one was home.

    The morning of the meet I headed out and decided to stay close to two harbors. Didn't want to burn up alot of fuel plus I didn't have any luck at the distant spots anyways. I had been planning to dive solo but my wife graciously volunteered to hang out in the boat while I dove.

    The bed I went to already had two boats when I arrived. I anchored up away from the other two and slipped in the water. Vis was about 10'-15' and water was 60-61. My first drop was to get the air out of my suit and immediatley my ears and chest were assaulted with croaking. It was the kind of croaking that you feel as much as hear. I spent the next dozen dives searching the kelp and no one was home. I could tell when the croaking was getting louder or fainter so I focused on my diving and zeroed in to the loudest area.

    I made a few more drops and finally saw the silhouette of a nice fish probably 50lbs+ . I took a shot but the fish bolted as I pulled the trigger and so I missed but at least I now knew where the fish were hanging out. They were at 40'.

    I continued hunting and finally while kneeling on the bottom at 40' I had a school of fish swim through. I lined up on a fish near the front and fired....fish on!

    I swam to the surface and couldn't believe this smallish fish was pulling so hard. I kept getting pulled under. As I took up my float line I saw my fish halfway up my float line. I kept taking up and the fish traveled down the float line to the shooting line, through the shaft and finally I saw two fish on the shaft. No wonder I was getting pulled under. I was able to land both fish but could not keep them both. After landing the fish I pulled anchor and went over to Steve's boat and told them that I was gifting the fish to them. I also told them where I got the fish....probably a mistake in a competition but what the hell.

    Turns out that the fish I took was good enough for a third place.... 28lbs
    It was really fun to get a twofer on wsb. It was a first for me.


  • Two for one, wow that's one slick shot!

    The only two for one scenario I've had was when I lined up for a calico and got a bonus opaleye that just happened to swim buy. Nowhere as noteworthy as your catch Ron~

  • That is amazing. I have always wondered if you could do it with schooly size WSB and now I know.

    I have done it with small YT and once with a calico in a hole. I line up perfectly on a good size calico under a ledge, pulled the trigger and out the other side of the ledge comes a....well lets say it was a bright orange fish. I thought I was seeing things, turns out I strung up the calico and hit the other fish at the back of the ledge....he became lobster food.

  • Nice Capt Ron,:thumbsup2: sorry I missed the weigh in.

    Cheers, Don

    Wasn't sure if you were out there. The after party was pretty fun. I won a huge bottle of silver patron, but I'm on the wagon. I think the bottle was empty after 15 minutes. I noticed the volume level increased after that. ;)

  • Wasn't sure if you were out there. The after party was pretty fun. I won a huge bottle of silver patron, but I'm on the wagon. I think the bottle was empty after 15 minutes. I noticed the volume level increased after that. ;)

    Yeah Scott (Bamz) and I were there Thur, Fri scoutting., We had cans at both ends of the island and even went to Dave's Reef for dinner Fri night to do intel. Me and Scott had monster WSB we were hand feeding till the first gray light Sat......not:D;)
    We ended the comp early but I''l let him tell the story, (we should have brought banyans) he was a great guy to dive with... cool spirit and a fine skipper at the helm.

    Cheers. Don

    "Great mother ocean brought forth all life, it is my eternal home'' Don Berry from Blue Water Hunters.

    Spearfishing Store the freediving and spearfishing equipment specialists.

  • Man Ron, that's epic! Too bad you couldn't combine weights :) You kept the number tally at least to keep Hughes at bay right?

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