today we were in eze territory [South of Haulover]:)
begin at 930am----------------end at 5pm
wind from NNE at 6mph------from NNE at 18mph
water temp. 73deg
current from N at 1mph------from N at 1 1/2mph
viz was 30f in 20fsh----------same
seas 2f in 20fsw--------------4f in 20fsw .8mi off:(
air temp. 70deg PC-----------75deg PC
Today Hi-Leah, Stevo and me were supposed to be searching for 2 green bags of lost dive gear
We found NO bags:(. One spearo got lobster. Another got some fish and I got I spade and 2 triggers.
Me and Hi-Leah got caught in a small weather front coming through with high wind, high seas and so much rain only the biggest buildings could be seen. Hi-Leah did very good in the high seas and high wind but still landed aprox a 1/2mi South:(. I cell phoned and called off the other search team from coming out because the weather was so bad. Me and Hi-Leah were glad to get on the beach:thumbsup2: