Broward Beach Conditions

  • today we were in eze territory [South of Haulover]:)
    begin at 930am----------------end at 5pm
    wind from NNE at 6mph------from NNE at 18mph
    water temp. 73deg
    current from N at 1mph------from N at 1 1/2mph
    viz was 30f in 20fsh----------same
    seas 2f in 20fsw--------------4f in 20fsw .8mi off:(
    air temp. 70deg PC-----------75deg PC

    Today Hi-Leah, Stevo and me were supposed to be searching for 2 green bags of lost dive gear
    We found NO bags:(. One spearo got lobster. Another got some fish and I got I spade and 2 triggers.
    Me and Hi-Leah got caught in a small weather front coming through with high wind, high seas and so much rain only the biggest buildings could be seen. Hi-Leah did very good in the high seas and high wind but still landed aprox a 1/2mi South:(. I cell phoned and called off the other search team from coming out because the weather was so bad. Me and Hi-Leah were glad to get on the beach:thumbsup2:

  • Oh man I left right at the right time. It was windy but when i loaded my yak it was really blowing. Glad to hear yall got in ok. BTW I lost my paddle while looking for the bags.:blowup: So if anyone finds a black paddle with orange ores pls give me a pm.

  • Jorge and I did our due diligence too, unfortunately no gear was found. the seas weren't too bad for the motor boat and I manged a nice hog and got a lot better at loading the tito gun.

    I had a 30" mak that was positively mocking me....he swam by while I was unloaded, while I was incorrectly loaded and then stayed just out of range when I was ready... i hate that mack >:]

    are we totally f'ed this weekend ? is anyone going out at all?

    Jorge, wanna try again out at some other spots?

    i like to spear fish

  • Projectile and I are meeting up at Dania pier Sunday at 830-9am. If the weather is bad we plan on rigging up his:0
    :thumbsup2: BRAND NEW HOBIE MIRAGE ADVENTURE:thumbsup2:

    LunkerBuster---congratulations on the nice fishes. And don't take the mack thing personal, cause they laugh at me too:D

    Stevo---sorry about your paddle. I know how proud you were of it. You were even bragging about how nice a paddle it was today before our dive:(
    Please to keep my paddle until you get a replacement. No problem:)

    Spearfishing Store

    Edited once, last by hau ().

  • Small craft should exercise caution
    Forecast as of 9:58 am EDT on March 25, 2009
    Coastal Waters From Deerfield Beach To Ocean Reef, Fl Out 20 Nm-
    Rest Of Today
    East winds 15 to 20 knots. Seas 4 to 6 feet. Intracoastal waters choppy in exposed areas. Slight chance of light showers.
    Southeast winds 10 to 15 knots. Seas 2 to 4 feet. Intracoastal waters a moderate chop. Slight chance of light showers.
    Southeast winds 10 to 15 knots. Seas 3 to 5 feet. Northeast swell around 2 feet. Intracoastal waters a moderate chop. Slight chance of light showers.
    Southeast winds around 15 knots. Seas 2 to 4 feet. Northeast swell 2 feet. Intracoastal waters a light chop. Slight chance of light showers.
    Southwest winds 10 to 15 knots. Seas 2 to 4 feet. Intracoastal waters a light chop. Chance of showers.

    Yea, I'm jonesing to spearfish:(
    And the above forecast is the best one I could find, others are calling for 4-6f seas through Sunday.:(

  • spearos---I've reached my limit. Been out of the water as long as I can take it.:frustrated2:
    I'm float divin the Dania Jax tomorrow [3-26] at 8-830am. Any and all are welcome to join.
    Be prepared for bad conditions of high wind, high surge, high waves and low to zero viz.
    I wiil be using my $15. float,[ no boogy board to loose or get destroyed]
    Please to let me know if you are interested.

    Spearfishing Store

    Edited once, last by hau ().

  • pargo---you are correct. There are several reasons that I often dive alone:crazy:
    You don't think I'm going to take my freshly waxed yak out in these conditions, do you?:D
    I don't plan on being in the water more than 2-3 hours

    PS--Yea, I saw the link. Thank you, thank you. [I was afraid that the beach cams were gone at first glance]

  • I tried diving Dania with bad conditions once, shortest beach dive I ever made. The breaking waves will take you further back than you can ever swim forwards.

    Davie Peguero

  • seaweed---thats exactly what happened to Projectile a couple of weeks ago under similar bad conditions on the Jax. He said that he fought the surf for a long time before having to give up.
    Looks like a solo dive so far.:)
    Hopefully I can give an encouragining viz report at least.

  • Dania Jax beach/float dive
    begin at 0815-----------------end at 10am
    wind from SE at 19mph------same
    water temp. 73deg
    current from S at aprox 3--same
    viz 6f in 20fsw---------------same
    seas 5f in 20fsw------------same
    air temp 70deg PC---------75deg PC

    today was a desperation dive:D with high waves, high wind, high surge, high rip and low viz:(
    I almost made it to the end of the Jax but got caught in a S to N rip and got dumped onto the beach aprox 300yd N of the Jax. I lost no gear and saw no fish. A cutie stopped on her bicycle to help me out of my wet suit in the parking lot:thumbsup2:
    [I am NOT addicted to spearin:)]

  • Carefull about landing in the park with a gun. If a ranger sees you he will definately give you a ticket/warning depending on how he feels. We lucked out one day because he didnt have enough warnings.

    Davie Peguero

  • spearos---thanks
    seaweed--you are correct about the gun in the park. However today, the ranger could not have ridden his beach cart to me as the whole beach has eroded away in most places leaving a 2-3f ledge of the beach. Conditions were so rough this morning that there was no surfers, no kiters, no sunbathers [blowing sand], no one.

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