Broward Beach Conditions

  • At Meade St with Scott today
    begin at 915am------------------------end at 1pm
    wind from SE at 5mph----------------from SE at 15mph
    water temp. 88F
    current from N at 1/2mph-----------same
    viz 50f in 30fsw----------------------20f in 15fsw
    seas perfect flat---------------------2-3f
    air temp 88F PC--------------------90F stormy

    me and scott went to Meade street today for 1/2 a day
    scott got a hog before he had to go in and I got 2 hogs, 2 macs and a mutton before a storm ran me in at 1pm
    Was a beautiful morning to yak spearfish

    Old guys have stories, so heres todays story
    Scott is a bull and can out swim anyone I know. He is a professional physical trainer. I am old and out of shape.
    So-----Today scott says lets swim in towards the first reef. I know what that means so I get ready to swim like hell. After about 10min of almost all out swimming/towing our yaks I realize I"m in trouble keeping up. With one last desperate swim effort I am able to catch up to scotts yak and drop MY yak anchor into his yak without him knowing. He is now towing BOTH our yaks. NOW we're talkin.Good idea :thumbsup2:
    He's getting his exercise and I can breath again as I easily swim next to his yak so that when he turn around it looks like I'm keeping up with him.:D
    All is good for about 15min till scott flushes out a mutton. Scott stops and turns and starts to follow it but the mutton flees towards me:) I take a breath, drop quietly and shoot. My POS RA shooting line again tangles with the band and I get a poor hit on the mutton. The mutton is hurt, not on the spear but not in a hurry to get away. I reload, drop and stone him. Great:thumbsup2: until I get back to the surface and look and see scott swimming off 100yds away with BOTH our yaks, still not realizing he is towing my yak. Now I am between the 1st and second reef, mutton in one hand, empty gun and shooting line and knife in the other hand and knowing that scott might not stop till he got to the beach:0
    Now my smart ass idea to secretly let scott tow my yak is no longer a smart idea, so I start yelling and yelling and hopin scott hears me and STOPS.
    Lucky for me he hears me and stops:cool2:
    Now for the first time scott realizes he has been towing both our yaks but he doesn't get mad.

    Spearfishing Store

    Edited 6 times, last by hau ().

  • hahaha this story is hilarious because scott is twice that strong and i can only imagine how far he got and how fast he got there.....scott could easily pull two yaks w spearos in them and he might not notice :)

    way to slay em hau

    i like to spear fish

  • The Cordel part of cordelero means Cord. Cordelero's meaning in this definition, a person pulling the cord.

    I said Ox because of the strong pulling power.

    Edited once, last by Toledo ().

  • at Meade St. today
    begin at 730am-----------------------end at noon
    wind near zero-----------------------from East at 10mph
    water temp 89F
    current from North at 2mph--------zero current
    viz 40f in 30fsw----------------------20f in 18fsw
    seas perfect flat---------------------seas 2f
    air temp. 80F PC--------------------90F cloudy

    me, scott and spearcuba at Meade st today
    we got out on the water so early today it was still dark in the water:)
    spearcuba got his PB hog, several schoolmasters and other nice fish-----hope he writes about his day:toast:
    scott shot some nice fish and terrorized many others:D
    I got a 16 and 18in hog, 2 small macs and six other reef fish and missed too many to count
    we all SAW big fish, but they wouldn't let us get close enough to shoot---thats why they are so big, they're smart
    we had a great yak spearfishing morning :thumbsup2:

  • nice day out, like you said lots of large yet smart fish out and about. had a nice shot on what would prob be my largest hog, but heard a shot go off underwater in the distance and the hog got spooked. found my lost mask from last sunday,, very nice coincidence saved me $70

    Scupper Pro Gives You Wings!

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