Introducing Self.... Michigan

  • Hi,
    Just checking in.

    I surf, kayak, fish, dive, and spearfish in Michigan.
    Certified Scuba diver, but I have basically switched over to freediving only.
    I make a few forays south to Florida (gulf side) every year, so the freshwater spearing keeps me in sync for the salt trips.

    Hoping to possibly connect with a few spearos from the area, as well as glean more info from others more experienced than myself.


  • Welcome. I met two brothers in Hawaii that were from Michigan. We used to surf together on the east side of Oahu during kona wind, north swell days. My family used to vacation up near Traverse City on Crystal Lake when I was a kid.

  • I am in Grand Haven, which is on the west side of michigan (east side of Lake Michigan) about midway up the state, Traverse city is about a 4 hour drive

  • Hardline

    The water clarity can vary greatly depending on winds, and other factors.
    In lake Michigan we spear around the piers and can get average days of 6' to 12' Occasionally some days have been 30'+
    Some of the interior lakes are crystal clear offering really nice ocean like conditions, where others you are barely able to see the hand in front of your face. (usually not spearing those, just recovering peoples junk they drop in)

    As far as spearing, we can shoot carp, sheepshead, sucker, catfish, whitefish, gizzard shad (no game fish)
    I basically shoot sheepshead (and I eat them.... white meat similar to walleye)
    I will shoot carp too, but I don't eat those.
    and if I come across a whitefish, I would definitely take them (good eating as well)

    The whitefish are usually only around the shallower water in the spring and late fall when the water temps drop off

    Speaking of water temps, they can reach 78 in the summer (usually with the worst viz), and 33 degrees in the winter (I have only done a small amount of diving in the winter, as I am usually surfing)

  • I did see the article, and also knew about the one caught in Chicago.

    But, I have decided despite the surety of my demise, and consequent conversion into Carcharhiniformes calories......I will venture back into the water.


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