Free breakfast at Dennys tommorow 02/03

  • pargo, seaweed, JimCuda--I would like to come also. If it's free it's for me. Besides, gives me an excuse to finally meet some of you guys. Please let me know where and when. I get off work at 0730. If no just let me know.

  • pargo, seaweed, JimCuda--I would like to come also. If it's free it's for me. Besides, gives me an excuse to finally meet some of you guys. Please let me know where and when. I get off work at 0730. If no just let me know.

    Sorry, I was sleeping, but it would have been nice. We'll make up another excuse!

  • well , I did go , but quitted because there was way to many people , specially old people waiting to be seated and I was really hungry.

  • Same here. I suspected it was going to be like this but I woke up late and didn't feel like cooking. I confirmed online that there was such an offer and went to the nearest one with my wife and daughter. I could see the line up outside the door from the street and didn't even stop the car, turned around and went home. Fuck me if I'm waiting in a line for some eggs and bacon. I hate restaurants anyways.

  • I passed by one on my way to somewhere else around 12pm. There was a HUGE line coming out the door. It was probably only worth it if you ate breakfast around 6 am.

    Davie Peguero

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