New Member Intro

  • Hey everyone,

    My name is Jon, and I live in South Florida. I've been diving my whole life (freediving and scuba) but just recently got into spearfishing. I just bought a Riffe Euro Series 100x and can't wait to start using it :). Although I live in South Florida, I do most of my diving in Grand Cayman, that is where my Dad's side of the family is from and I go visit them very often. Too bad spearguns are illegal there.. I hope to learn a lot on here and share my experiences while out on the water. I got a GoPro Hero3 for my birthday so I'll have many videos to post :).

  • Welcome. My understanding of cayman laws was that locals could get a permit to spear. Has that changed?

    it hasnt changed, but it is VERY hard to get a permit and you have to have a gun already on the island. Can't import a new one. All the spearguns my dad had when he was younger are all gone, my grandfather threw them away :crying:

  • Thanks for the welcomes everyone. I will make sure I post up my GoPro vids. Im going to Cayman from May 2nd-6th so ill have plenty of footage to post :)

  • i was thinking about maybe building one with my dad. I worked with the Department of Environment down there for a few summers, so I know some people, and have good family ties. My family was one of the first settlers on the island lol. It shouldnt be too hard to get one, the problem would be with customs. Ill look into it while Im down there though.

  • I would check it out. I went snorkeling there when I visited a friend in vet school and I could have done very well with even a polespear

    Sounds like you have a cool family history do you know any cool stories?

    i like to spear fish

  • Hey guys (and gals) - I should have done this post a while back, but anyway I'm a life long diver/spearo/hunter gatherer. I live in the SF Bay area. These days mostly dive either Northern CA or the Santa Barbara area, but have been fortunate enough to have dived the Caribbean, Baja (a bunch of times), Fiji, Australia, and New Zealand. Life is good when you're in the water!

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