• Does the premiss behind the technology work? Yes, a faraday cage will isolate electromagnetic signals. Does the suit reduce the EM signal of a diver? Probably a little. Will that make a difference in how marine life reacts/interacts with a diver? Maybe but not significantly. This is similar to the camo vs non camo debate but with an even smaller factor. While most species can detect some level of EM signal very few actually rely on it. Sharks and some other types of fish have special organs to detect them but most other fish do not. Most fish primarily rely on sight and vibrations. This suit doesn't help either of those.

    However if all other factors are removed, i.e. zero vibration, same size/shape/color, there might be a slight advantage to one of these suits. The other part that is almost comical is that most of the pictures show a diver with some sort of camera or at a minimum scuba gear. The metals and electronics in these systems will produce a much larger current/signal than a human in a neoprene suit (which is already electrically insulative).

    Not likely worth the price. Just a gimmick to sell more suits. Thats my .02

  • I deer hunt a lot. The HEC's suit makes a difference with birds I'm sure. I've never had it on when I actually saw a deer though. But, for birds, it's like putting on a cloak of invisibility. It's almost weird how close they get to you and stay and even land on your on occasion.

    I've never even thought to wear it diving. I have a three acre pond full of fish, I should wear in there and see if it makes a difference.

  • The difference with land animals....and birds, is you can sit for hours and they can come in from a long ways off and not detect you. With most fish, at least free diving, they see you and know you're there and you have maybe a minute..... Your only hope is they're not familiar with divers and spearguns and curiosity will bring them in.
    Most of the time anyway....then there's Marco....haha:thumbsup2:

  • The difference with land animals....and birds, is you can sit for hours and they can come in from a long ways off and not detect you. With most fish, at least free diving, they see you and know you're there and you have maybe a minute..... Your only hope is they're not familiar with divers and spearguns and curiosity will bring them in.
    Most of the time anyway....then there's Marco....haha:thumbsup2:

    DANGER HANK , Marcos ego in danger of bursting if inflated any further ;)

    Scupper Pro Gives You Wings!

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