Out of Character

  • OK I am 64 years old and for the most part of that life I have frowned upon tattoos. I told my children only criminals and sailors got them and the must never defile their god given canvas. About three years ago my oldest daughter, who happens to be a police officer, accidentally exposed a small tattoo on her ankle inadvertently while visiting. I smiled and said oh what have we here? She braced herself for my less than praiseful comments she thought forth coming. Naturally she is an adult and can do as she sees fit. It was a small tattoo of a pyramid (Boring). I said nice and the conversation moved on.

    Imagine her surprise when I returned this past week from a spearfishing trip in Southern Philippines where I decided to get a tattoo for myself. It took nine hours to render and was painful. I understand that on the arm is one of the least painful spots but none the less it was nothing short of an endurance marathon of trying not to cry. Later that evening at dinner a lady from Norway asked why did I decide to get it now. She commented that most people got them at age eighteen and then regretted it the rest of their lives. I responded I don't know and that since I was much older I didn't have that long to regret it.

    Truly I did not go there with the remotest notion of getting a tattoo. While I was there I passed a shop and went in out of some sort of Peruvian interest
    . I then went to a couple of other shops and finally ended up on line researching the art form. Certainly the acceptance to tattoos with the media exposure of numerous sudo-reality shows has given broader appeal and less disdain to the general public. However I decided I wanted one because it was out of character for me, sort of a mile marker on my lives trail that states he has taken a road he has less traveled. Oh YA and because It would be badass and look cool.

    I called my wife and said honey what do you think of the idea of me getting a tattoo, She paused and said "I don't like" but it's up to you. I said great and hung up the phone.

  • hahahahaahahhaahah brilliant! I have never been a fan of tat's, but am big supporter of going outside of ones imagined boundaries :thumbsup2:

    A bad day at sea is better than a good day in the boatyard
    George Steele

  • Nine hours? That's intense. Great art work.

    I thought of getting one about 15 years ago. I actually drove to the place to do it, but it was closed. Had it not been.....??
    But then my ex wife got one of three dolphins in a circle on her ankle. My friend Boy looked at it and said, "why did you do that? When you're old, it will look like Uga". Uga is dried fish in Ilonggo. haha

  • Nine hours? That's intense. Great art work.

    I thought of getting one about 15 years ago. I actually drove to the place to do it, but it was closed. Had it not been.....??
    But then my ex wife got one of three dolphins in a circle on her ankle. My friend Boy looked at it and said, "why did you do that? When you're old, it will look like Uga". Uga is dried fish in Ilonggo. haha

    A friend of mine also said when you get old and wrinkly it will look bad. He fails to realize I already old and the canvas was wrinkly when it was rendered. So the wrinkle have already been incorporated in the art that you see. How much more will I shrivel up before I take my last dive. Even if it does go south on me I am already married and my wife will over look it because she sees with her heart.
    Picture two of the loves of my life.

  • A friend of mine also said when you get old and wrinkly it will look bad. He fails to realize I already old and the canvas was wrinkly when it was rendered. So the wrinkle have already been incorporated in the art that you see. How much more will I shrivel up before I take my last dive. Even if it does go south on me I am already married and my wife will over look it because she sees with her heart.
    Picture two of the loves of my life.

    You did very well for yourself, enjoy life😀

  • I'm 68 and managed to avoid all those tattoo shops while in the Marine Corps. At our age I think I would opt out for a testosterone shot instead ( cheaper and less painful but with same effect ). I have to admit it looks very macho, but then again I've been getting good results wearing my new 1.5 Speardiver wet suit! Had one old lady on the beach ask if she could touch it.

  • I'm 68 and managed to avoid all those tattoo shops while in the Marine Corps. At our age I think I would opt out for a testosterone shot instead ( cheaper and less painful but with same effect ). I have to admit it looks very macho, but then again I've been getting good results wearing my new 1.5 Speardiver wet suit! Had one old lady on the beach ask if she could touch it.

    Hahghahahahhaha [emoji1] Man you are my hero!

    A bad day at sea is better than a good day in the boatyard
    George Steele

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