Marc-Antoine Berry Who said he had died?

  • Marc-Antoine Berry¿quien dijo que habia fallecido pues ha llegado con buen rumbo a viejo , miembro de la Teuchat tTam en el Gabón y diseñador del sistema revo-concepto Beuchat. Excelente pesca de una loche de 162 kg gracias en particular el Roller Marlin Revo Concept.


    Marc-Antoine Berry Who said he had died? because it has arrived in good course to old, member of the Teuchat Team in Gabon and designer of the revo-concept system Beuchat. Excellent fishing for a loche of 162 kg thanks in particular the Roller Marlin Revo Concept.

  • I did spearfishing trip in different west Africa countries..
    Was told years ago there that M A vanished at the time he was diving close to an oil rig... his boat was found there empty. No surprised he's now " alive", because he has been for years living off captures made there and the compete with other divers is strong! Africa...
    The pic showing a huge "loche" capture (in french) was probably taken with an other gun like a powerful pneumatic gun!

  • Africa...
    Have you ever heard about this technic used by some tribes to kill somebody by making a perfect crime: One guy ( a wizard ) locks a venomous snake in a piece of bamboo.
    Every day he does attacking the snake with a stick. A piece of shirt which belongs to the future victim get tied at the end of the stick.
    After a couple of weeks the snake get released. It will easely find the house of the victim. Then it will most of the time at night bite the victim at the time he’s sleeping in a bed….a stupid accident!!!:(

  • The Beuchat revo roller was designed by Berry and inspired by his famous catapult, develops 500 Joules of power and with rod of 6,5 mm South African rod that does not bend nor want to have an ugly color of annealed steel, now only fishing with that rifle. If you notice that model is not the one selling almost 1'40 meters long, they are only manufactured up to 1'15.
    I no longer have relations with Beuchat (nor try, design changes in the material) due to the change of delegate to Spain who was former representative of OMER a certain Xabi Olesti and dismissed him, a real imbecile does not have much idea of fisherman.


    El fusil Beuchat revo roller fue diseñado por Berry e inspirado en su famosa catapulta, desarrolla 500 Julios de potencia y con varilla de 6'5 mm varilla sudafricana que no se dobla ni queriendo tienen un color feo del acero recocido, ahora solo pesca con ese fusil. Si os fijais ese modelo no es el de venta hace casi 1'40 metros de largo, solo se fabrican hasta 1'15.
    Yo ya no tengo relacciones con Beuchat (ni probar, diseñar cambios en el material) debido al cambio de delegado para España que era antes representante de OMER un tal Xabi Olesti y lo despidieron, un autentico imbecil no tiene mucha idea de pescador.


    OHHH Virgili you're acojonando me ajajejej


  • Ramón . Yo juraba que ese diseño era de Pedro Carbonel. Esta idea la tenia debido a que antes que salera el modelo Pedro estaba probando un roler aquí en Venezuela antes del mundial 2010 creo.

    Siempre se aprende. saludos.

    Un Hombre tiene que creer en algo.......
    Creo que me iré de pesca!!!

  • Ramón, algo que destaca, son las gomas en la parte inferior del fusil, tipo roller invertido, esto pareciera un extra sobre el roller tradicional ya que el roller invertido en esencia , según los entendidos, es el que libera más energía debido la la cantidad de gomas usadas.

    Destaca también la ausencia de poleas e hilos en las gomas inferiores lo que lo hace muy sencillo mecánicamente y menos lioso de piezas y desgaste de estas.

    En el fusil de Marc las gomas extras inferiores las estira hasta el gatillo...

    Un Hombre tiene que creer en algo.......
    Creo que me iré de pesca!!!

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