05/03/2009 La Santa Fe - Yello Jacks and Cobia

  • Yeah, I have certainly put on a few pounds. I've had to curtail my exercise quite a bit and have honestly been eating everything in site and not paying much attention to it. Sleep has diminshed to say the least. I do appreciate you guys pointing it out, gives me more of an impetus to start to shed the excess weight.

  • dan , whattever, i don't really care but i'm talking about a missing fish , not a miss size fish. anyways we like rolo witha big but , don't we.

  • oye, please give Rolo a break, se demora un tiempito para que uno pierda el pezo del embarazo :thumbsup2:

    China V.I.P

    How do you guys always end up fishing while I'm at work? I'm beginning to think its a conspiracy.:D

  • i believe you about the fish getting stolen. this afternoon somebody smashed my passenger window right in front of my house and stole my wallet from my car in broad daylight.

    i am thinking the economy is doing real bad.

  • Sorry to hear that Alan.

    I remember there was un satelite' scoping the fish while we were fileting. I would not doubt that once he saw you went upstairs he pounced on the YJ el tipo seguro que tenia hambre.

    Bring on the criticism, I deserve it. My mom stayed over this weekend and when I got home from fishing she had a plate of rice, black beans, bistec con cebolla y platanos maduros con una ensalada de tomate...me servi dos veces y fui pa la cama:crazy:. Thanks for the motivation, but at least I still see my cock:0.

  • thanks lb, good thing i never carry money in it. the only thing i had were credit cards and my drivers license.
    i canceled them all, the most expensive part is the glass at around 240$

    I keep a 12 gauge in my house but if you shoot the bastard, nowadays im sure they will put you in jail.

  • Sorry about what happened Alan, shitty way to follow up after a nice day diving.

    Not to pour salt on the wounds I just want to say how I do things.
    1. Install an alarm system in the car.
    2. Leave nothing of real value in the car.
    3. Leave nothing visible in the car that could be construed as containing something valuable, like some kind of bag or box.
    3. I don't use/own a wallet. I believe they're meant to be lost or stolen. Plus if you carry a wallet in your back pocket it will fuck up your lower back. I carry cash in my pocket and a credit card. Drivers license is always in the car.

    Going back to diving. I wanted to add how similar Rolo's YJ recovery procedure was to the diver A diver B situation on that very same spot. The difference was my YJ went through and out a hole and into another, the viz was worse, and I had to do it myself. I left you guys because I was diving bad at that moment and could barely reach the bottom there anyways. I was hoping to see more YJ further down but it never happened.

  • thanks for the tips dan, i have to be more desconfiado than i already am.

    as for rolo's yellow jack he said he had shot one and it was about to rip off. i went down and saw his head and shot it. i later took my shaft out then rolo recovered his shaft and the fish. i didn't think it needed a second shot but i said what the heck. as i was pulling my shaft out in the distance on the sand was a big mutton maybe 8-10lbs just sitting there watching the action.

    As for the fish i just shot it to secure it, i dont think it would of gone anywhere since it was holed up. Rolo graciously offered the fish for the help but it was his fish, besides i had more than enough to eat with the muttons i shot.

  • i thought it was a cool story, i didn't know those YJ's hole up like that. i guess the fish just look for cover in any way they can. i remember yelling at you to get in the water and take that mutton that was there.
    i liked that spot there. very fishy.

  • Alan,

    Don't underestimate your assistance with the second shot. On a typical fighting YJ, it may have likely come loose. The fish basically did itself in by running into the hole. I'll admit, having a shaft in its head and one on its top side both in different holes while fish still alive was a bit complicated. I think we were able to figure out the best approach to boat the fish. Thanks again for the assist. :thumbsup2:

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