Hi guys,
My name is Dias, and i currently live in Mozambique...
I'm looking forward in participating in the forums...
Safe diving to you all!!!
Hi guys,
My name is Dias, and i currently live in Mozambique...
I'm looking forward in participating in the forums...
Safe diving to you all!!!
welcome dias.
how is it over there??????????
Wellcome Springbok,:thumbsup2:
Cheers, Don
welcome, great bunch here.
welcome,, nice to have africa represented.
welcome,good luck to you.
Welcome! Africa? Cool.:thumbsup2:
Welcome Dias,
AFRICA that s cool, good surf and fishing and hunting :thumbsup2:
And GWS! Welcome to the forum.
Thanks for the welcome guys!!!
Don, Springboks are South Africans...he,he,he...i'm Portuguese...
Dan, GWS are not that common here but we do get them...Tigers and Zambezi's (Bullsharks) thats another story...in almost every diving day you end up seeing one of them...
Once again thanks for the welcome!!!
Safe diving to you all!
Howdy buddy, glad to have someone from the dark continent:)
looking forward to hearing your stories and learning from some new experiences
Welcome.. Figured you were Portuguese with a name like Nuno...:D
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