I would like to learn information on fish movement. What I mean by this is patterns of behavior that fish have which cause them to be in one place at one time and another place in a later time. It's a mystery to me why I can go to a spot and it can be full of fish and then devoid of life on the next dive. I'm not talking about obvious cycles like spawning months. I'll give an example.
Since the weather is bad, I'm out of fish and the urge to capture something is starting to make me crazy, I went to a shallow spot yesterday where I'm usually guaranteed a few barracuda. I went late, got in the water around 5pm. There was no fish around. This was frustrating and I tried to figure out why. I reasoned that the previous times I've been there was always earlier in the day. So I decided to confirm whether time of day was the factor. I went there again this morning and the result was the same. I went without a speargun just to see if my idea was correct and then I'd add this to the fish sense library in my head. I was wrong and no conclusion could be made as to the reason why the fish are gone. Logical would be to associate the scarcity with the weather conditions, turbulent water due to the storm and bad viz.
I'd like some tid bits from you guys, things that you've come to realize about fish movement through a particular personal experience, this kind of thing stays with you forever and is very valuable. I realize this is asking a lot because really this is what spearfishing is all about. Finding a fish is first, sticking a spear in it is secondary.