• in all seriousness, here are some tips from folks in arizona

    Build and Maintain a Rattlesnake-Proof Fence
    Step 1
    Purchase fencing that is solid or contains mesh with spacing of 1/4 inch or less. Make sure the fence is at least 3-feet tall.

    Step 2
    Bury at least 2 inches of the fence underground to prevent rattlesnakes from burrowing underneath.

    Step 3
    Angle the fence away from the property at a 30-degree angle.

    Step 4
    Avoid planting trees or shrubs near the fence. Snake are good climbers, and they can then drop into the backyard if vegetation is close to the fence.

    Maintain the Backyard
    Step 1
    Remove debris piles in the yard. Rattlesnakes favor hiding under rocks or old boards, waiting for unsuspecting rodents to wander by. Be careful when removing the debris, in case a snake is already there.

    Step 2
    Utilize nonvenomous snakes to rid the yard of rattlesnakes. The king snake will kill and eat rattlers. Gopher snakes and racers are proprietary and will force rattlesnakes to leave the area.

    Step 3
    Examine the ground in the backyard. Fill in all gopher and mole holes to prevent rattlesnakes from taking up residence in them.

    Step 4
    Trim all shrubbery in the backyard so there is a visible clearance between the greenery and the ground. This removes potential hiding spots for snakes.

    i like to spear fish

  • basic suggestion include

    limiting their food- not easy for you to do given the rodents live there too

    limiting their hiding spots - agains not too easy because it is a natural plot

    trapping and destroying them- probably your best bet..commercial snake traps use sticky adhesives and hold the snake till it dies or you destroy it- animal control in AZ recommends burning or drownign the snakes while still in the traps to avoid bites

    i like to spear fish

  • .commercial snake traps use sticky adhesives and hold the snake till it dies or you destroy it- animal control in AZ recommends burning or drownign the snakes while still in the traps to avoid bites

    I had thought about the traps, but I am afraid the fine dust and sand in the open desert would render them useless pretty quick.

  • good thinking..maybe he could shield them with brush and at the same time make them appear more attractive to the little bastards as hides/ dens

    Got it.... take 6' PVC pipe that's about 8 feet long. In the middle of the pipe ,place one of those chemical handwarmers ( rattlers are pit vipers, they find prey via special organs that detect their body heat) then place your glue boards in the pipe . Wah LAH !! Pipe o' snakes !!!Then drown the bastards.

  • i would just wear some snake chaps and thick boots for your first couple trips to the plot and gradually as you clean it up a bit, set a few traps and the fence, and burn a little of the brush away...should have a pretty snake free area....offer a few of your buddies some of those kabobs in exchange for an afternoon out there with a shovel and you will be well on your way.

    i like to spear fish

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