Spearfishing dreams

  • I'm guessing that a spearfishing dream is a sure indication that I've been out of the water too long. Those of you in the Miami area know that the weather has been too crappy to go out for almost two weeks. Last night I had a spearfishing dream. I think this is the second one I ever had. I was in a strange place. The water was crystal clear and shallow and standing on the rocky shore I could see big fish right under me :D I guess it was Cuba like because I know no other seashore like that. Still for one reason or another I just couldn't get in the water. First my car was towed because I put it somewhere I wasn't supposed to then when I came back there were like a hundred guys diving the same spot and someone stole my gun.. :crazy: Are spearfishing dreams common? Now that I think about it it's strange I don't have them more often.

  • I have at least one per week... The most recent one was somehow I was on a golfcourse... then i jumped in a dirty lake but the water was crystal clear and my Wong appeared in my hands. I then shot a white sea bass ..
    Before that i was diving in a marina except the water was clear and i could hold my breath forever. I ended up shooting a big hog fish over mahi mahi, marlin, yellowtail (kingfish), and other random fish swimming around.
    I've had many dreams where i end up spearing off the dock behind my house but the water is gin clear (when you usually cant see then end of your gun) and there are huge fish everywhere.. Ive also dreamed that the whole bay had coral reefs and was teeming with fish.
    I could go on and on. Unfortunately, my dream stories aren't very well composed or organized.
    While we are on the subject of dreams.... Does any one find that they can control what they do in dreams?

  • About shooting the WSB, been spending some time in the California section eh :) I remembered that I had at least one more spearfishing dream so that brings it to a total of three for me. I wish I'd have them more often over other useless crap that I dream about. One thing I know is that we have a few dreams every time we sleep, but we only remember the last one before we woke up. If you wake up a few times a night you may remember a few dreams. Not sure what you mean by control.

    It seems that the common denominator in spearfishing dreams is the fantasy island theme where all the fish are big and slow ;) I'm wondering if anyone had a difficult one where they're diving deep, or maybe even being in trouble on the bottom and cutting it real close coming back to the surface.

  • jajajaja :shark4:

    Dreams can be pretty indicative of the subconscious mind. What do you think in general having spearfishing dreams is about. I wonder if it depends on how much time you actually spend in the water, like if you live it enough you'll start dreaming of it, or is it telling you it's been too long if you haven't gone in a long time?

  • Had another last night. I dreamed about shooting dogtooth tuna in Government Cut, I then got run over by The Freedom of the Seas... I think the Dogtooth can be explained by me watching HSD 2 before sleep but I can't venture to guess where the Government Cut part came from.
    Also, I googled dream control to be able to explain what I was talking about. Turns out, it's a phenomena known as lucid dreaming, where you can understand that you are in a dream and therefore, can control what you do. After realization, you can control actions, and scenery. For me, when it happens, I can control WHATEVER I want. However, when I try too hard, I wake up. I don't know how to further explain myself but it's an amazing experience.
    Generally speaking, I would say that you dream about what you love. So if you love spearfishing, you would be inclined to dream about it.

  • I then got run over by The Freedom of the Seas... I think the Dogtooth can be explained by me watching HSD 2 before sleep but I can't venture to guess where the Government Cut part came from.

    I've noticed that that when I incorporate into a dream things that I haven't experienced before but was influenced by (like in your case the dogtooth tuna from watching HSD) I superimpose them on a scene or location that is familiar to me. This may be a normal way for the mind to organize things.

    Monster, having shark problems in your sleep is hard core. What happens with the sharks? Do you always manage to escape? :D

  • I know I've had spearfishing dreams but cant think of any example. I've had the dream control thing only a couple of times and I usually wake up thereafter I realize I can control the dream.

    Davie Peguero

  • Monster, having shark problems in your sleep is hard core. What happens with the sharks? Do you always manage to escape? :D

    I had dreamed that i was diving in a shark infested area. But the buggers didn´t care about me anyway...

    I had dreamed spearing a sailfish. That was one heck of a dream :thumbsup2:

    I'm a Speardiver, not a freediver

  • I'm guessing that a spearfishing dream is a sure indication that I've been out of the water too long. Those of you in the Miami area know that the weather has been too crappy to go out for almost two weeks. Last night I had a spearfishing dream. I think this is the second one I ever had. I was in a strange place. The water was crystal clear and shallow and standing on the rocky shore I could see big fish right under me :D I guess it was Cuba like because I know no other seashore like that. Still for one reason or another I just couldn't get in the water. First my car was towed because I put it somewhere I wasn't supposed to then when I came back there were like a hundred guys diving the same spot and someone stole my gun.. :crazy: Are spearfishing dreams common? Now that I think about it it's strange I don't have them more often.

    :frustrated2: sounds like desperation! U need to organize an expedition.

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Autocross Junkie

  • Being able to control your dreams is called lucid dreaming. I find that I can do that the majority of the time. My best spearfishing dream was when the blue water was above me. Imagine the air ten feet above you being replaced by a 80 foot layer of water that you could jump up and swim through. It was great.

  • “lucid dreaming” I also find myself being able to control all my dreams well at least the ones I remember. Its awesome, I find myself apply scenarios that I go threw in rem to life.

    Sometimes when I start to control a dream I wake up, (I’m sure the wake up process starts first which is why you’re able to even remember it}. But that’s not my point; I find myself being able to go back to sleep right after and reenter that same dream.
    Anyone else have this same experience?

    Larry O M . . .

  • I have had dreams surfing ,almost always after Ive been surfing or planinig to go. Ever since I started spearfishing Ive had dreams were I'm in gin clear waters and very rocky coast. Most of the fish I see in my dreams are not like any Ive seen in Florida and they never drop below the 50# range. The fish just cruise around me like fattened pigs but I don't remember ever getting a shot off. I also have dreams were the entire dream is about making it out to the ocean to spear but the universe conspires against me and it never happens, kinda like the last two months:rainyday:

    Edited once, last by Gonzo ().

  • Just when I think I'm too jaded to care I have a spearfishing dream to remind me that I haven't gotten my fix in a long time. It's a good thing because when it's a subconscious expression you know it's true, and I like to know that spearfishing is an irreplaceable part of my life even if I go through periods of no activity. This dream was about an imaginary spot that I think I dreamed about before. I was with a good dive buddy and his gun wasn't working, so I said let me hunt for a little bit and then you can use mine.

  • the weather in puerto rico is crappy to like a month. im so stoked with spearfishing these days and cant go to the water. i had these dream with a big grouper and tons of fish, clear waters but i think i had these dream because i spent many hours watching videos and pictures learning more. i think i was so stoked that the videos n pictures were kept in my mind. spearfishing dreams are common. hope the weather change these week.

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