Broward Beach Conditions

  • 3-30-12__#17-2012m2
    South of Port Everglades today
    begin at 830--end at noon
    wind 3mph from SW-------wind Nat 6mph
    current S to N at 1/2mph --N to S at 1mph
    viz 40f in 40fsw---30f in 30fsw
    seas flat------less than 2f
    water temp 75F
    72F cloudless overhead------79F cloudless overhead

    Today was almost like a summer day in the water with blue sky, warmer water and almost flat seas.
    The water temp is warming up and today I switched from my 5mm top and 3mm bottoms to 3mm top and bottoms and was nice and toastie for 4 hours in the water.
    Viz also was better so I was able to get out to 40fsw and found 2 boar hogs that had forgotten what a spearo looked like

  • Anyone in the Broward area want to head out Sunday? I know it's Easter but not sure when I'll have another chance for a while. I just spent a week in Belize studying fish I couldn't shoot (MPA) so I want to put some on the grill!

  • beach it will have to be, I won't have to time clean the boat and store it before afternoon festivities.

    I just checked the forecast and it doesn't look good, hopefully it improves between now and then

  • Getting to be that time of year. Where do you go from typically? I am in Ft. Lauderdale near Las Olas and usually hit by Birch park.

  • shallow - From deerfield to vista.

    Late report for 4/4/12

    BEST DAY OF DIVING I'VE EVER SEEN IN BROWARD!!!!! We dove from 8-2, water temp was mid 70s viz was 75+ lots of ornamentals and snapper. Seas were absolutely flat in the morning and about 2' when we were headed in.

    both were 20 inches, mangrove was shot in 55' and holed up.I don't know what type the other snapper is but it was in 40-45 and holed up. I had to wrestle it away from a moray, hence the missing center section.

    I also shot 2 small lionfish

  • You would have loved the first spot we jumped in, it was probably 70-80 feet and from the surface we could see the reef at the bottom. I dove about 30 feet to check out the life/fish/structure and realized it was out of our league although it looked real nice. We found that all day we were underestimating depth from the surface because of the the insane viz(my gps/fishfinder is out for repairs)

  • 4-25-12__#19-2012m2
    South of Port Everglades today
    begin at 830--end at noon
    wind 5mph from SE-------wind SE at 12mph
    current S to N at 1/2mph -S to N at 1mph
    viz 35f in 35fsw---25f in 25fsw
    seas almost flat------less than 2f
    water temp 77F
    65F cloudless overhead--76F cloudls overhead

    Solo again today south of Everglades.
    Today was a beautiful day to be freedive yak spearfishing in my zone.
    Viz was less than I had hoped for, but I ended with 1 mac, 1 hog and 1 sheephead.
    Hope others got out today also

  • 5-4-12__#20-2012m2
    South of Port Everglades today
    begin at 8am--end at 1130
    wind 12mph from SE-------wind SE at 10mph
    current N to S at 1/2mph -same
    viz 25f in 25fsw---20f in 20f
    seas less than 2------2f
    water temp 77F
    76F 15% clouds overhead--82F 20% clouds overhead

    Solo today south of Everglades Inlet.
    The water is a little warmer today and not much boat traffic and not many shootable fish either, but at least I finally got out after all this wind.
    Got 1 mutton and a 15 and 16in hog today
    Hope others got out as well

  • ^

    Hey Mike, Got out today out of elliot, vis was 30ft in 45ft of water. Shot a few hogs and snapper before we headed in, my friend was not feeling good.

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